Chapter 1: Blood Wolf

[Suddenly, the chubby guy gets knocked out with a jaw-breaking uppercut. Izume stops in her tracks. Surprised by this, the other two watch their comrade fall to the ground. They then look at Hirou who stares at them covered with blood all over his face and shirt. Camera moves to his eyes and show no shimmer in them. Hirou shows no emotion as he rushes the muscular guy. He becomes faster and beats the muscular guy to the ground.]

Muscular Guy: W-What the…!?

[Hirou kicks him in the face making turn over on his face. He goes for the guy’s weapon again but this pulls his entire arm back with his foot in the guy’s shoulder.]

Muscular Guy: Gah! W-Wait man; don’t!

[Hirou pulls harder until pop sound is heard. The muscular guy cries out in pain and let’s go of the sword.]

Muscular Guy: AHHH!!! MY SHOULDER!!!

Hirou (low tone): …shut up…

[He crushes the muscular guy’s face into the ground with his foot. Izume is struck with fear.]

Izume: H-Hirou…

Slender Guy: H-Holy…I’m out of here!

[He tries to run away but Hirou runs after him and grabs the collar of his shirt. The slender guy falls backwards and stares into Hirou’s cold, expressionless face.]

Slender Guy: W-Wait! Hang on man!

[Hirou raises the sword in hand. The slender guy pleads for him to wait.]

Slender Guy: WAIIIT!

[Hirou impales his face in with the kendo sword.]

[The crowd goes silent as Hirou pulls the sword back. Izume is still struck with fear.]

Izume: H-Hirou…

[Hirou hears her voice and slowly turns to look at her. Her eyes widen as she looks at the monster standing before her. Expressionless eyes, covered in blood, bruised knuckles…she is unable to say anything as she continues to stare at Hirou…]

Aizawa: I can’t believe he’s the real thing…

[Aizawa is hiding back in the school looking down onto the school grounds.]

Aizawa: No feelings for mercy…striking until his foes are unable to breath…that is why they call you “The Blood Wolf of The Underground World."

[Shot moves back to Hirou standing over the slender guy’s body with sword in hand. And it closes with a shot of Hirou’s cold, dead, expressionless eyes.]