Chapter 1: Blood Wolf

[It’s now morning time. Hirou puts on his shoes. He is dressed in a plain white dress shirt and black pants. Hirou calls out to Manami.]

Hirou: You ready Manami?

Manami (from her room): I’ll be right there.

Hirou: You’re gonna be late if you don’t hurry up.

[Manami is seen putting on an old white hairband and sets her hair. She then runs out of her room. She is dressed in a white girl’s blazer uniform. It should be noted that the two of them go to different schools.]

Manami: Sorry brother!

[The two of them leave the apartment and head to the train station. The apartment is located in a small area of the city. Hirou and Manami get on the train and head towards the suburbs. The place gives off a quieter, peaceful feeling than the city. Once they get off the train, the two of them walk to a nice western looking building. On the sign it says, “Shisaido Academy”. Students around the campus start to give Hirou and Manami weird looks. Manami looks a little hesitant to enter.]

Hirou: What’s wrong?

Manami: I just feel a little…out of place here…

Hirou: Don’t be. You have every right to be here just as much as everyone else.

Manami: But...

[Hirou puts his hand on her head. Manami looks at her brother. Hirou smiles.]

Hirou: Don’t worry about it. You’re here because you’re a smart girl. And you deserve to be here because of that.

[Manami looks at her brother with inspiration. She gives off a big reassuring smile back to her brother.]

Manami: Yeah. You’re right.

Hirou: ‘kay…now hurry up or you’ll be late

[Manami runs off towards the building. She stops and waves at Hirou before entering the building. Hirou smiles and waves back. Once Manami entered the building Hirou’s expression changes to a cold, aloof look. He heads back on the train and back to the city.]

[Scene shifts from the train to a school building. The voices of students run all throughout the hallways. Hirou is seen making his way to his classroom. Sign says “3-A”. Hirou sits in the last seat in the middle row. Once he sits down, whispers go around.]

Whisper: Look at that. Another fight I guess. What do you think he got into this time? Who knows?

Hirou (voiceover): Great…here we go…

Girl’s Voice: Morning Hirou.

[Hirou looks to see a girl with long hair standing in front of his desk. She is wearing a light blue summer sailor uniform and a matching hairband.]

Hirou (monotone): Mino…what is it?

Mino (upbeat): Just checking to see if you’re awake. Don’t need you sleeping in class.

Hirou (cold): You don’t have to worry about me. I get enough sleep at home.

Mino (feels awkward): Oh…yeah…

Whispers: Look at that. All she did was say good morning to him and he’s all cold and stuff. Wonder what his problem is?

[Hirou looks at the group and aloofly averts his gaze.]

Hirou (voiceover): I really don’t want to be here today…