Chapter 1: Blood Wolf

[Hirou clenches his right fist and throws a fast hook to Aizawa’s face. Aizawa’s group gets in on the fight. A crowd starts to gather on the grounds.]

[Shot changes back to inside the school where we see Izume finishing cleaning duty in the classroom.]

Izume: I can’t believe everyone skipped out on cleaning duty. This sucks!

[She hears commotion going on outside. Izume opens the door and sees two guys running down the hall.]

Guy 1: There’s a fight happening!

Guy 2: I know! I gotta check that out!

[Izume looks with concern.]

Izume: He couldn’t be…it can’t be…!

[Izume begins to follow the two guys to the fight.]

[Scene shifts back to the fight. Hirou is holding his own with a three on one against Aizawa’s group. They appear in a stand-off surrounding Hirou. Hirou is panting after trying to fend them all off. Aizawa is nowhere in sight.]

[The Chubby Guy goes first and tries to attack with a straight forward running punch.]

Hirou: Come on…

[Hirou easily dodges and throws the chubby guy over his shoulder with a simple judo flip.]

Slender Guy: Bastard!

[Next is the slender guy who is a little faster and attempts some combinations with punches and kicks. Hirou blocks the guy’s combinations but can’t seem to get past his speed.]

Hirou: I can’t over his speed.

[As the slender guy pressures Hirou with his constant combinations, the chubby guy Hirou flipped comes from behind and puts him in a “full nelson” hold.]

Chubby Guy: Get’m Taniguchi!

Slender Guy: You’re mine!

[Hirou struggles to get out of the hold but gets hit with the slender guy’s combination moves. Hirou starts to get furious and throws the chubby guy over his shoulder again, taking the slender guy with him. Hirou tries to catch his breath but is struck from behind by the muscular guy’s kendo stick. Hirou falls to the ground.]

Muscular Guy: Got’m!

Hirou: (che) I didn’t see him…

[Hirou gets back up and is hit in the face with the kendo stick. Hirou begins bleeding. He composes himself back and attempts to defend himself against the muscular guy’s weapon.]

[Scene shifts to the crowd.]

Guy 1: He ain’t gonna win!

Girl 1: He can’t fight three on one.

Guy 2: Kinda feel sorry for the guy.

[Izume arrives at the fight. She tries to catch her breath.]

Izume (panting): Hirou…

[Izume is shocked to see that Hirou is fighting three guys at once. Shot moves to a bleeding Hirou who tries to catch his breath. Izume tries to make her way throught the crowd.]

Izume (yells): Hirou!

[Hirou can’t hear her as the muscular guy attacks again. He swings his sword downwards and misses Hirou. Hirou throws his bunch of punch-kick combinations. He manages to knock the muscular guy down and attempts to grab the weapon from him. The muscular guy keeps holding onto his weapon and knocks Hirou away.]

Hirou: Damn!

[Suddenly Hirou is caught off-guard again as the chubby guy and slender guy hold him again.]

Chubby Guy: Ain’t getting away this time.

Slender Guy: Nail’m Saizou!

[The muscular guy strikes Hirou in his stomach. He starts to cough blood and falls to the ground. All three of them start to gang up on Hirou. Izume makes it through the crowd and heads over to Hirou.]

Izume: HIROU!!!