Chapter 1: Blood Wolf

Chapter 1

“Blood Wolf”
(Buraddo Uorufu)

[Camera reveals a person's fist covered with blood. People are cheering all around a cage. There are two people in the cage; one of them is down while the other stands over him. The one standing is wearing a hoody and is panting.]

Announcer’s Voice: AMAZING! Not bad for a kid huh? I can’t believe that it’s already over!

[Camera focuses on the panting character.]

Announcer: With a victory under 2 minutes here is your winner! The BLOOD WOLF!!!

[Crowd cheers and chants the winner’s name. The camera then reveals the character, Blood Wolf as a young boy probably in high school.]

[Scene shifts from the cage to an apartment complex. Bandaged from his fight, we once again see the hooded Blood Wolf walking up the stairs of the complex. He continues to walk until he stops and enters one of the apartments. Outside you see the name of the tenant, “Takehiko”. He walks through the apartment and stops at one of the rooms. Opening the door, we see a girl sleeping in her bed. He walks towards the bed and at the bedside.]

Blood Wolf (whispers): Manami…Manami, wake up…

[Manami moans and opens her eyes.]

Manami (tired): Hirou…you’re home…

[Hirou puts down his hood.]

Hirou: (slightly smiles) Hey kiddo.

[Manami notices the bandage on his face.]

Manami (soft, disappointed tone): You were out fighting again, weren’t you?

[Hirou averts his gaze in shame. Manami sits up in her bed.]

Manami: Every night is the same thing…why do you have to fight?

Hirou: Because…

[Manami looks at her brother’s ashamed face. Hirou shifts his gaze back to his sister.]

Hirou (stern voice): You know already why I do this Manami. And you also know that there is no other way for me. Besides, the money is good-

Manami (raises her tone): It’s not about the money!

[Hirou is surprised by her sudden outburst. Manami starts to tear up.]

Manami: I don’t care about that. Ever since you started fighting, I always feared the worst; if something…ever happened to you…

[Manami grips her blanket.]

Manami: You’re all I have Hirou…(hic) I don’t…want to lose you…(hic)

[Hirou hugs his sister. Manami sobs in Hirou’s chest. He hugs his sister closer.]

Hirou (voiceover): That’s never gonna happen…I’ll always be here. There’s nothing that I can’t overcome…