The Wedding of Otaku Legends

Chad: Any idea as to where Ms Jungy is? I just got word that she’s not in her dressing room.

Zakuro: *thinks for a moment* You could try the hotel.

Chad: You don’t think she’s getting cold feet do…

Zakuro: *Laughs* Yeah, right. Jungy, cold feet. The only thing that she has that is cold is… *cough* Anyway. She’s probably just…. Taking care of things.

Chad: …… Right, things…..

Zakuro: After talking with you, it seems to me that you have very different interests than Bob.

Chad: Well, I’m all for the yuri, but not so much the loli. Though I don’t know a guy who isn’t for the yuri.

Zakuro: You have a point.

Chad: What’s your room number?

Zakuro: 203

Chad: *Eyes the now red soaked heap* Someone will be by to pick that up.

Zakuro: *Nods* See you at the ceremony. *Waves as Chad leaves room*

Chad: *sighs* For some reason, I’m so used to the noise that when it’s gone, I feel a bit useless. You know, like I’m not really doing anything to help society anymore.

Cameraman: You do have a tendency to save many people from sin.

Chad: *shrugs* Lets get over to the hotel.

*commercial break*

JastUSA! For all your H needs.
JastUSA! For the love of Idols
JastUSA! Because no loli is a bad loli
JastUSA! Boobs are everything
JastUSA! We have your little sister
JastUSA! We make you feel all tingly

Must be 18 or older to order

*end commercial*