The Wedding of Otaku Legends

Chad: *Is wiping a red liquid from his face* Welcome back. Well, we are now inside Ms Zakuro’s dressing room.

*Nana is quietly washing off a lightly red tinted wall with ammonia. Zakuro is sitting at her mirror waiting for Chad. Misuzu is playing cards with a crow*

Chad: If any of you are worried about Bob, he just got a call and will be away for a while….I think *eyes a very ominous heap in the corner that is covered by a red spotted blanket* Anyway, *addresses Zakuro* Bob was so dead set on interviewing you, wouldn’t tell me why.

Zakuro: *shifts nervously* Yes, well, that is too bad he had to leave. *Also eyes the ominous heap in the corner, which is a deeper red now*

Chad: Okay____ First question. What made you decide to marry?

Zakuro: What made us decide to marry? Hmm...well, I suppose it all started when Jungy and I were having one of our usual frolics in the hot tub...the question just sort of popped up. *blushes* She asked me...and well, I said "Of course!" So there you have it. We might as well frolic in the hot tub and cover each other in chocolate as official "partners."

Chad: *cough* Are you alright talking like that with Nana around.

Zakuro: *looks at Nana who is now playing cards with Misuzu and the crow* She’s harmless

Chad: *nods* Right. Next question: Why have an Otaku Wedding?

Zakuro: Why not? We're both otaku, aren't we? And is this not MyOtaku? So we decided to have OurOtaku wedding. ^_^ Ah, the perfect combination! Plus, we'll have all sorts of our crazy anime-loving friends there to watch as well...including those that would "squee" at yuri.

Chad: Yes, the yuri. Many are here for that. And that really doesn’t bother you?

Zakuro: There are worst things to be bothered about

Chad: *again eyes heap in corner* Yes, all too true. Next question: What will you be wearing for the wedding?

Zakuro: What will I be wearing? Well, shouldn't that be a secret?? But if you want to know who'll be dressed as the guy and who will be the girl...Jungy said she'd be wearing the tux. She's more forceful anyway. *giggles* Always the one that wants to...hehehe. *coughs* No, Chad, you're not getting any more info on that one.

Chad: *Murmurs* The more you say, the safer I feel that Bob isn’t around.

Zakuro: *giggles* How did you get stuck with the guy anyway?

Chad: A promise to his dying mother. It would seem she believes that I’m the only one who can keep him in line. *shifty eyes* Good thing she wasn’t around for New York.

Zakuro: New York?

Chad: Best you don’t look into it.

Zakuro: *sweat drop* Okay___

Chad: Back to the questions. Last one: Do you already have a place picked out?

Zakuro: A place picked out? For what? The honeymoon or the wedding? *laughs* All I know is that Jungy was dead-set--no ifs, ands, or buts--on going to Italy for our honeymoon. No argument there! It'll be sooo romantic...gondola rides...I wonder which company we should ride with? Aria? Himeya? Orange Planet? Hmm...*thinks* Well, we'll decide when we get there. As for the wedding...why, aren't you interviewing me from the location??

Chad: If it were me, I’d go with Aria. It’s small, quiet and they have Akari. When I read about when she did the Wedding of the Sea for that old couple, I was very amazed.

Zakuro: Yes, that was quite sweet.