The Wedding of Otaku Legends

Chad: Welcome back my fellow otakus.

Bob: *Has his left arm in a sling* Yo!

Chad: Don’t worry about Bob. He just got into a fight with a DBZ fan. Something about how the transformation to super saiyan is against the laws of biology.

Bob: It’s true. How does that whole hair color change and the super strength come about. Look at Superman, he’s always super strong and doesn’t need to “power-up” for three episodes.

Chad: *nods* I agree there. *Does a Vanna White to the door the two are standing in front of* Here we have the kitchen. Inside there are over 15 chefs preparing to. Among them are such greats as Mai Tokiha, Aoi Sakuraba, Yakumo Tsukamoto, Tomoyo Daidouji, Chika Itoh, Azuma Kazuma, and Akito Tenkawa. Let’s take a look. *The two hosts enter the kitchen*

*All around cooks are running and the sounds of cooking grease fill the air. A glimpse of Aoi in her kimono can be seen in the corner as she enters the walk-in fridge. A middle aged woman comes to greet the duo*

Howmei: I’m the head chef, Howmei

Chad: So what can we expect for the meal?

Howmei: *Beams with pride* I have the chefs preparing a range of meals, from Japanese to your more modern American cuisine. With luck there should be something for everyone.

Chad: And desserts?

Howmei: Ms Daidouji is in charge of that, but she is out getting the last of the ingredients.

Chad: One would think that there would be no need for that.

Howmei: Well, a friend of Ms Itoh and a flying plush toy came zipping though here earlier and devoured most of the finished desserts.

Bob: How can a plush toy fly? That is so against the laws of physics

Chad: And you’re against the laws of life. Now zip it!

Howmei: Well, we are quite busy so if I may

Chad: Yeah, no problem *The two shake hands* I look forward to the meal *The two leave the kitchen*