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I hate politics...

Fri Jun 19, 2009, 4:11 PM

* Mood: I'm Hungry
* Listening to: "1985"-SR-71
* Eating: I'll prolly make some ramen; too lazy to cook

I've been avoiding the last question on today's assignment for my virtual school thing-it's actually easier than the course I took at school; the last question involves looking up stuff in the past election and all I have to do is...well, here's the question:

5. Where do you think John McCain and Barack Obama would each score*? To support your answer, please choose an issue and describe the stance of John McCain and Barack Obama in regards to it.
*we had to take an online quiz where it told us our political philosophy-I'm apparently a Libertarian.

All I have to do is look up an issue and compare...I'm just too lazy =/

On another note, I've been looking at laptops and tablets again-I want a Fujitsu Lifebook D= A BUILT-IN WACOM TABLET-WHO DOESN'T WANT THAT IN A TABLET PC?? But it's about $2000 so I'll just keep dreaming. Still need to save up for the Bamboo Fun...I <3 Wacom =3

Oh, look-my mom's home from work and I'm still in my jammies!! AT 4:06PM!!

Nothing new on the comic; doing the first page FINALLY today. I'll go upload 3 of the 4 character sets today since I uploaded the 4 to deviantART yesterday-you can see all of them in my gallery. Might go out later with a friend of mine and my brother and his girlfriend to Cityplace to see a movie or something...I hope...gawd, I'm just rambling--I'll just shut myself up now. V, if you're reading this you're free to come along too =3

Ok bye.


Virtual Hell

Mon Jun 15, 2009, 8:58 PM

* Mood: Emotional
* Listening to: "Eat You Up"-BoA

I'm so confused...I just found out today my virtual school course for AP US Gov was approved almost a week ago-I logged in and "WTFISTHIS"-I'm lost D= I'm not big on talking to teachers--the teachers I talk to I don't even have for a class--so I don't know what this "passkey" crap for my online textbook is or anything. WHYTHEFUCKDIDISCREWUPTHISCLASSIHATEGOVERNMENTIDONTWANNATAKEITAGAINAAAUUGHH *dies*

On a brighter and equally aggravating note, I'm almost done with the lineart for the back and front covers of the comic for September--Mo, I'mma try to finish tonight so V-chan can colour it =D I'll send you the lineart so you can see--hopefully, I'll remember to upload it onto here when that happens. I also start my self-defense-maintain-a-fit-body training(usually referred to as just "training", the hyphens just explain things)...that's gonna be rough-at least 2 miles a day and other stuff DX

I practically killed my fairy-told him I'm setting up a net so he can't get in for a while cuz of complications such as loyalty and etc. I'm kind of an emotional wreck right now-I dunno what going/happening to my best friends, my other best friend, as said earlier, I practically kicked out, can't see anyone, financial crap, etc...I hate being a girl. Somebody give me some Mountain Dew, I've got a long night.

Someone Kidnap Me, Please...

Mon Jun 8, 2009, 4:27 PM

* Mood: Alienated
* Listening to: "Semi-Charmed Kind of Life"-Third Eye Bl

I have done nothing worthwhile since school let out on the 3rd =D *shot* My best friends are out doing things, but I'm staying home cuz, according to Minto, my parents are losers. I need more female friends-maybe I'd have more of a life if I did.

Yesterday and the day before my dad had us move old crap from this house to the other one(it's half storage half rented out to people) so we can organize the stuff we're selling at the flea market next weekend(we're kind of tight on the green stuff at the moment). My parents are saying it's to help out, but I think getting a job will be more steady with my share of the income...but I'm not allowed to get a job. I might end up just saying "hey, take my phone back" because I'm supposed to come up with the money for my part of the bill, but with no job how am I supposed to pay for it? He says to use the money we make from eBay and Craig's List will get us somewhere, but...really? It's not as easy as he thinks...STOP BEING OVERPROTECTIVE AND LET YOUR 16-YR-OLD GET A F***ING JOB!!! *dies*

Enough of the complaining-here's what I've done so far regarding things in my personal life:
-finished 3 of the 7 character designs(clothing) for the promo; Keitaro, Zak, and Monique. Today I'm going to finish the rest since I did those three last night. Calvin's is next =3
-watched a shitload of anime
-tortured the cat
-spent my time with the fairy that crawls through my window every night(it's a human-sized "fairy"). Next time we're playing Jenga =D
-cursed the fact that even though I live in Florida, we haven't gone to the beach in sooooo long

So, today I has to finish the rest of the character sketches and get my brother to scan them in for me so I can send them to Minto to look over. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll be able to finalize the school's design so I can start the comic tonight/tomorrow(past midnight).

Also, sorry for those people watching me and I haven't uploaded anything in so long-no scanner, and Judd(my older brother) is too busy to scan things in for me on a whim.

...Might as well get back to work.


Still Hiatus...

Well, I have regular internet access again, but now I lack a scanner-which sucks because my sketchbook is almost full of pics you won't be able to see for a looooong time X3

Minto and I worked out a new G33|<!! Promo plot to use for Chibi-Pa 2009, since we're getting a table this time. And I have more time to make this promo good-I finished the first page's rough draft about an hour ago, so I need to show it to her tomorrow to see if it's ok. The beginning's a bit different from what we changed it to, but I think it works better this way-more interesting(and better-drawn). While Calwoof was reading over the newer script for the thing, he kept going on about how horrible my grammar was/is =( I will make this known: MY GRAMMAR SUCKS AND I CAN'T SPELL FOR SHIT!! 8D
I'm thinking of making a tutorial of sorts...more of a "How to be a Mangaka with a Limited Budget" kinda thing(I'll work on the title, okay?) It'll be quite large, so I'll make it a downloadable PDF file =D It won't teach people how to draw-more like teach them how to get better on their own with coming up with ideas and bettering their talents with stuff you don't have to go to a super-dee-duper expensive art/specialty supply store for.
Anyway, I just had the urge to update since I haven't done anything for about a month and this page looked more neglected than usual...that's it for the professional stuff, so you can stop reading here, if you like =D
So, about 2 days left and it'll be two months with my current boyfriend, and I must say-I quite like this one =D He'll be my 2nd longest relationship and counting. My brother and his girlfriend will be 6yrs on the 20th of this month-since they've been together since high school, they give me a sense of hope; I've never been one for long-term relationships for some reason-Minto and my friend Mikey said it was because of my fear of commitment, and I agree-but I think I'm over it now *thumbs up*.
Been trying to get healthier-exercise and such-but I've GOT to stop staying up so darn's past 3am and I has school tomorrow...I don't think I'm sleeping tonight. I'm gonna take a shower 'round 5 I guess; don't wanna be tired AND filthy =(
...I'm hungry-time for some 3:10am dinner!


Here's the reason-I thought I got rid of all the viruses on the computer because it was running fine and dandy once I finished. But the next day, every time I logged into the Admin user(the only user), it logged right back out. So, even though I have some cool doodles and pictures I'm working on/finished, they won't be uploaded anytime soon. I'm actually on my brother's laptop and he's such a wonderful person even though I know I can be a pain(I love you Judd!) and my boyfriend is absolutely fantastic(I love you Johnny 5/Wafflez!) and Minto and Cal are doing their best even though I'm such a pain to them too(I love you Mo and Cal !!) and every single wonderful person I've ever met(I love you all!) feet are cold and my food's been sitting in the microwave for about 20min...I'm gonna go reheat it. Bai!! I hope to upload soon! =3