Virtual Hell

Mon Jun 15, 2009, 8:58 PM

* Mood: Emotional
* Listening to: "Eat You Up"-BoA

I'm so confused...I just found out today my virtual school course for AP US Gov was approved almost a week ago-I logged in and "WTFISTHIS"-I'm lost D= I'm not big on talking to teachers--the teachers I talk to I don't even have for a class--so I don't know what this "passkey" crap for my online textbook is or anything. WHYTHEFUCKDIDISCREWUPTHISCLASSIHATEGOVERNMENTIDONTWANNATAKEITAGAINAAAUUGHH *dies*

On a brighter and equally aggravating note, I'm almost done with the lineart for the back and front covers of the comic for September--Mo, I'mma try to finish tonight so V-chan can colour it =D I'll send you the lineart so you can see--hopefully, I'll remember to upload it onto here when that happens. I also start my self-defense-maintain-a-fit-body training(usually referred to as just "training", the hyphens just explain things)...that's gonna be rough-at least 2 miles a day and other stuff DX

I practically killed my fairy-told him I'm setting up a net so he can't get in for a while cuz of complications such as loyalty and etc. I'm kind of an emotional wreck right now-I dunno what going/happening to my best friends, my other best friend, as said earlier, I practically kicked out, can't see anyone, financial crap, etc...I hate being a girl. Somebody give me some Mountain Dew, I've got a long night.
