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Happy Zombie Jesus Day!!

Sun Apr 12, 2009, 5:02 PM

* Mood: It's Hot
* Listening to: Some kind of Halloween song on Kawaii-Radio
* Eating: I had a banana(ew), an apple, and pudding...

We're not doing anything special since my mom's in the Philippines for my Lola's birthday. My brother, his girlfriend, and V-chan came over and we had our own li'l egg hunt in my bro's part of the house-very spiffy =D Speaking of looking for things, I can't find my harmonica =( I found my practice book, though.

I decided on getting a small Bamboo Fun, but I still need to figure out which laptop to get. If you have any knowledge of a nice, portable laptop, please share the info!

My eating ways haven't changed since yesterday, but there's still no signs of vomiting-we're all safe =D

While I wait for the usage of a scanner, I've been working on quick-drawing(since that's the style I'm focusing on right now for the feel of the nostalgic "I remember what happened when you drew that" kinda thing-the homey/sketchy feeling you feel comfortable with when you read/look at a domic/doodle your friend did during class). My current focus are the arms and hands since I've been getting better at those. Next are the legs and feet. Then I'll move up to sketching a whole figure and try to make it look decent/finished enough.

Come to think of it, I've never gone into much depth about G33|<!! with you people =( I'll give short li'l descriptions of the main characters since I have little else to do today(besides fight off zombie Jesus with a fork)-.
First off, go here and read up on what a geek really is.
Demri "KaidaFaye" last-name-to-be-decided: She's basically me, and since I'm an attention whore, she's the main character. She's short, skinny, filipino, has 1 amber, one black(very dark brown) eye. Her personality's complicated since she's pretty eccentric about things-very open about her feelings. Also very creative and interested in many things. KaidaFaye is her handle(note: this KF is to not be confused with the real life KF, me); she has a comic(where she earns her pocket money), hates vacuum cleaners and potential serious relationships, and can open up rips in time, space, and other realities. She's a majour otaku and cosplayer. She also enjoys dying her hair. Much to her dislike, she has her own li'l group of admirers, but they learned to back off.

Keitaro "Kei-kun" Yukihiro: He's the only pure-blooded Jap in this comic. He's not a big otaku and focuses on studying. He looks like a chick, acts a bit gay, and is called a ninja around the school. He's had a big crush on KF since he transfered into the USA way back in their childhood. He has red/brown eyes, ties his hair back with cloth only, hates having his hair braided, and wears hats. He must have things clean, which drives KF crazy. He forces KF to stay in shape without her knowing it(ie: DDR challenges, leaving her stuff in trees/the roof, etc). Should be in the grade above, but because the US sucks, they kept him in the same grade as KF(so he's supposed to be in the same grade as Zak, who he hates).

Zak Vemmer: Light brown hair and blue eyes-naturally the pretty boy of the school. Secretly an otaku for romance manga/anime. Develops a crush on KF when he runs into her thinking they were going for the same romance manga, when really she was thinking he's in her way, annoying, and "why won't he move". He asks KF out on dates multiple times, only to be turned down. He and Kei are always at each other's neck because of her. Doesn't help that they have the same birthday, either.

Monique "Mo/Momo/Minto-chan" Boileau: Half Cuban and Half Irish, very proud to be both. Isn't an extreme otaku, but very in love with Tokyo Mew Mew since KF introduced it to her in middle school. Plays the drums in the band KF wants to form. Struggles with juggling school and fun, but manages nicely and somehow can get decent sleep between the two. Has two younger sisters, an anything-goes mom, and a semi-serious dad. The best friend anyone can rely on. Likes animating and hanging out with Steph. "Minto-chan" formed when she, KF, and Steph became obsessed with TMM. Has low self-esteem, but getting better. KF proclaims her to be her younger sister, and people believe her.

Stephanie "Steph/Zakuro-chan" Loor: Hispanic(TBD what kind). Guitar player and singer extraordinaire. Guest plays in the band KF wants to form. Keeps to herself, usually. Basically an idol and is slowly becoming more well-known. Has known Mo since elementary school. Can usually be seen hanging out with her or playing her guitar in random places. Likes to tease Keitaro because he's so short and girly. "Zakuro-chan" formed when her, KF, and Mo became obsessed with TMM. Secretly has low self-esteem, but hides it better than Mo can. She's also getting better at letting herself be whatever she is in public.

Calvin "Cal-kun" Bankert: Secretly a furry, but hates fur suits. Plays almost anything you can think of. KF forced a friendship on him during their freshman year. Both hate the majourity of the school and their class. He's apathetic about most things, but passionate when it comes to hobbies. Doesn't care much for relationships. Has a li'l group of people that like him, but oblivious to it. Vegan. Hates his li'l bro. Loves the theatre. Parents are divorced. Is wanted by 3 of his friends bands, and more by random people. Never seems to have enough time. Partially an insomniac because of KF. Very white, brown hair and brown eyes-like a puppy =3 Very tall, too.

Trey Vemmer: Zak's older brother. Very laid back. Has face whiskers. Has darker hair and green eyes, but still looks like Zak a bit. works at a cafe that KF's band plays at a couple of times and KF later applies to work there and gets the job. KF likes hanging out with him, and puts up with Zak to hang out. They live down the street from her house and he's like an older brother figure to her since she hardly sees her real older bro, who's in college.

Chelsea "Haku-chan" Taylor: Panda obsessed. Has a thing for Trey because he reminds her of pandas. She and KF used to hang out a lot in middle school, but because of class schedules, they hardly get to see each other anymore. Happy and ditzy disposition, but mess with her and you're as good as dead.

Judd last-name-to-be-decided: Demri's older brother in college. They have a lot in common, especially their love for games/anime/manga with cute girls in them(KF wonders how she's still straight). He's into programming and 3-D. He's also the one that introduced KF into the anime/manga stuff, along with drawing and comicking. Can usually be found on the computer. He and KF look very much like each other.

Bryttani "Burrito" Reelitz: Judd's girlfriend of many years. Boobs. Everyone loves poking fun of how big they are, but she likes them anyway. Works at a wine store. Got KF into dying her hair-usually the one dying it for her. Always has some crazy colour going on in her hair.

CHAD: The AI computer from the future that looks like a computer mouse with mouse ears. His mission was to travel to the past and tell KF about her powers. Unfortunately, that was all he was built for and becomes a sort of high-tech pet for KF and Keitaro. Switches from his AI mode, where he can communicate and think properly, and an autopilot mode, where he actually turns into a ditzy, mute idiot. Hangs out with BAB a lot, but usually just attaches himself to KF.

Bad-Ass Bakon: A flying pig. He hatches out of an egg with wings that KF pulls out one day to give to Trey as a bday present. Loves Trey to death. Has a love/hate friendship going on with Kiba. Named by Trey.

Denzel "Kiba-kun" Gadsden: Short and some sort of black(don't get offended, plz-the person I based this character off of doesn't know what he is, he just calls himself black). He's Zak's tag-a-long and likes challenging KF to play-battles, regardless how many times he loses. She calls him her li'l bro(she's always wanted one)...or a pet(Mo used to call him Poodle-Head because of his growing fro). One grade lower than KF. Has a love/hate friendship going on with BAB. Lives in Trey's and Zak's old neighborhood.

And there are the characters that show up most often. I'm not done with the teachers yet, tho'. Or the parents. Keep in mind, this is a slice-of-life comic, so the romance mentioned won't have any serious thought until these kids get into college or if I need a chapter to poke fun at. This is my plan for the series: I dunno if I want G33|<!! to have an "ending". There will be a trilogy, tho: G33|<!!, G33|<!! University, and G33|<!! Ever After. I'm thinking of continuing G33|<!! as their high school years where they just keep having adventures, but I have to keep time in mind; so there will be times where I'm working on G33|<!! University and the group is still having the time of their lives in G33|<!!. G33|<!! University and G33|<!! Ever After will be more dramatic and have a deep storyline of what happens when they get into college and then in the 3rd one it jumps to...well, that's a secret ;D But there is a slight storyline, I just don't want it to get serious in G33|<!!, where it's supposed to be a load of nonsense and teenager pranks with reckless abandon.

I just realized how much I wrote...I'm sorry if you read this much! =(

[EDIT] Just got an out-of-season nosebleed(I usually get them in December)-I think I need to start drinking Ensure again, I'm lacking my usual nutrients =( [/EDIT]

Mm...I Feel Pretty Useless Right Now

Sat Apr 11, 2009, 6:34 PM
* Mood: Hopeless
* Listening to: "Password 486"-Younha
* Eating: I forgot what I ate, but I know I ate =D

We had school off yesterday cuz Jesus died(Good Friday). All day yesterday I sat in front of the computer and watched anime. Then today was a bit more eventful with moving in the mix-I helped my dad fix the sprinklers(an excuse to use the swimsuit I never used, regardless of me living about 5min from the beach) and loading laundry...then I sat back in front of the laptop and watched anime again. It's gotten to the point where I'm even too lazy to read manga.

I was watching/listening to Ikimono Gakari again today and I was thought "I should pick up the harmonica again" since one of the guitarists(Hotaka Yamashita) perks up the awesomeness of the band with his harmonica(does anyone know what kind he uses?). I used to play diatonic harmonica, but I lost interest once I entered middle school(manga swept up my life high speed by then); then I got lost in comicking. Plus, my dad was so obnoxious about his playing-he can't play at all, yet he has 3 very nice(and expensive) chromatic harmonicas...I did try to learn the guitar, but now it's just sitting in my room, waiting for Cal to come play =( I feel bad for my instruments, we have a keyboard, too, that my bro and I share...but the power cable's...somwhere...

What I'm getting at is, I should learn something entertaining other than drawing-I wanna pick up the harmonica again. I wanna do something other than draw depressing/non-attractive pictures and comics to get me out of my slump from...well, emotional girly things that are usually seen in shoujo manga. I'll go hunt for my harmonica today =D then I'll practice...hopefully.

PS-I'm starting to eat regularly again. I still can't eat anywhere close to what my normal appetite was, but I'm not throwing up my food, and I'm eating a decent amount before feeling sick. =D *thumbs up*

I Miss Uploading Useless Crap

Fri Apr 10, 2009, 2:09 PM

* Mood: Angsty
* Listening to: "Kimagure Romantic" is still playing XD
* Eating: I ate today...kind of!! YAY!!

My sketchbook's all full, and I drew two hilarious things yesterday on the way to pick my brother up, but I can't show any of you!! DX I miss the scanner. I miss a not-obsolete laptop. I miss updating with pictures instead of rants.
ANYWAY I need to save up for a laptop. A nice, small, portable, KaidaFaye-friendly one. I fell in love with one 12" tablet lappy, but there were complaints that it wasn't pressure sensitive with some programmes, and that's what I was after in a tablet pc, so I might just be better off getting a regular small lappy and save for a bamboo tablet([link]) Hm...should I get Bamboo or Bamboo Fun? If I decide on a tablet, I mean. If anyone can find a good pressure-sensitive laptop for me, lemme know-my family likes to travel a lot since we have a motorhome(we go to North Carolina and recently we went to Virginia during XMas to visit family), so the idea of being able to draw on my computer like it's a super thick high-tech piece of paper going down the road is fabulous for me. I can draw in bed, at a truck stop, practically anywhere-yeah, so help'd be nice =3 Especially since I don't have much of a sketchbook fund.
As far as eating goes, I'm doing a lot better-I was able to eat about half of my lunch/breakfast of fried rice and eggs(ew) before feeling sick(but I didn't throw up!) My usual appetite is still absent, though.
...That's about it for updates on my ever-so-glamorous life. See ya!

I'm Typing with a Sock Puppet, Bitch!!

Thu Apr 9, 2009, 11:04 PM

* Mood: Lonely
* Listening to: "Kimagure Romantic"-Ikimono Gikari...rep
* Eating: I threw up half my lunch today =(

Yup, it's true. I'm typing with my sock puppet Yes-I dug him up, so now he's typing for me with twitching lips =D

ANYWAY, I still can't eat as much...and I realized how lonely I am now. I got so used to doing things every weekend cuz I had a boyfriend. Now that he's out, it's like..."what now?" No definite plans on weekends and no phone calls to be expected. Aileen and I were talking about this today after school; her boyfriend's in a different country and I don't have one, so we were talking about how weekends aren't as fun since we never really go out with friends, even though we'd love to.

Now it's emptier, quieter, and lonelier: to the point where I start talking to Yes again. But sock puppets, especially ones with mismatching(1 big green and 1 puny red) buttons, make everything funnier and better. But once you stop the conversation, you realize how pathetic you sounded =(

Do you get moments when you're overflowing with inspiration, but you're not able to write them down? That happened to me today several times-then when I could finally get them down, I couldn't bring myself to draw them out...I need a new sketchbook.

Ok, that's about it-my dad is yelling at me to get off the computer and Yes is prolly gonna be mad at him for making him type even this much. G'night, chaps

What does food really taste like?

Thu Apr 9, 2009, 12:05 AM

* Mood: Pain
* Listening to: "Kimagure Romantic"-Ikimono Gikari
* Eating: more like regurgitating =(

I haven't eaten a substantial meal for a while now. This started last weekish-I first lost my appetite. Then slowly I started to withdraw from food cuz it started to make me feel sick after I ate. Now, just the thought of food makes me want to throw up and almost anything I put in my mouth I end up spitting out because I can't swallow it-my gag reflex gets in the way. I've been eating mainly apples because they go down easier than anything else. I can't get a good night's sleep either-four hours tops. I stayed home from school yesterday because I had a painful headache and I felt like I was gonna throw up(I threw up a little after trying to eat cereal). So I went to sleep for a couple more hours, tried to eat again but it didn't happen, slept some more. The try-eating-then-sleep thing was repeated all of yesterday, with random emotional break downs in between. Am I transforming into an emo? Do butterflies go through this? Am I turning into a cutter-fly?? *shot* Nah, I'm not a cutter. I just hope none of this has anything to do with my now ex-boyfriend. That'd be pretty stupid if it were-he shouldn't affect my biological needs. The crying maybe, but that's gone(I think), but my food? I love my food. I miss my food. Can I have some food? Oh, wait, nevermind; don't wanna throw up on y'all. =/
So, have any of you gone through this before? D'you know how to fix it? I don't want to shrivel up and die yet. I'll do that when I'm, like, 100yrs old. =P