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I Miss Uploading Useless Crap

Fri Apr 10, 2009, 2:09 PM

* Mood: Angsty
* Listening to: "Kimagure Romantic" is still playing XD
* Eating: I ate today...kind of!! YAY!!

My sketchbook's all full, and I drew two hilarious things yesterday on the way to pick my brother up, but I can't show any of you!! DX I miss the scanner. I miss a not-obsolete laptop. I miss updating with pictures instead of rants.
ANYWAY I need to save up for a laptop. A nice, small, portable, KaidaFaye-friendly one. I fell in love with one 12" tablet lappy, but there were complaints that it wasn't pressure sensitive with some programmes, and that's what I was after in a tablet pc, so I might just be better off getting a regular small lappy and save for a bamboo tablet([link]) Hm...should I get Bamboo or Bamboo Fun? If I decide on a tablet, I mean. If anyone can find a good pressure-sensitive laptop for me, lemme know-my family likes to travel a lot since we have a motorhome(we go to North Carolina and recently we went to Virginia during XMas to visit family), so the idea of being able to draw on my computer like it's a super thick high-tech piece of paper going down the road is fabulous for me. I can draw in bed, at a truck stop, practically anywhere-yeah, so help'd be nice =3 Especially since I don't have much of a sketchbook fund.
As far as eating goes, I'm doing a lot better-I was able to eat about half of my lunch/breakfast of fried rice and eggs(ew) before feeling sick(but I didn't throw up!) My usual appetite is still absent, though.
...That's about it for updates on my ever-so-glamorous life. See ya!
