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Mm...I Feel Pretty Useless Right Now

Sat Apr 11, 2009, 6:34 PM
* Mood: Hopeless
* Listening to: "Password 486"-Younha
* Eating: I forgot what I ate, but I know I ate =D

We had school off yesterday cuz Jesus died(Good Friday). All day yesterday I sat in front of the computer and watched anime. Then today was a bit more eventful with moving in the mix-I helped my dad fix the sprinklers(an excuse to use the swimsuit I never used, regardless of me living about 5min from the beach) and loading laundry...then I sat back in front of the laptop and watched anime again. It's gotten to the point where I'm even too lazy to read manga.

I was watching/listening to Ikimono Gakari again today and I was thought "I should pick up the harmonica again" since one of the guitarists(Hotaka Yamashita) perks up the awesomeness of the band with his harmonica(does anyone know what kind he uses?). I used to play diatonic harmonica, but I lost interest once I entered middle school(manga swept up my life high speed by then); then I got lost in comicking. Plus, my dad was so obnoxious about his playing-he can't play at all, yet he has 3 very nice(and expensive) chromatic harmonicas...I did try to learn the guitar, but now it's just sitting in my room, waiting for Cal to come play =( I feel bad for my instruments, we have a keyboard, too, that my bro and I share...but the power cable's...somwhere...

What I'm getting at is, I should learn something entertaining other than drawing-I wanna pick up the harmonica again. I wanna do something other than draw depressing/non-attractive pictures and comics to get me out of my slump from...well, emotional girly things that are usually seen in shoujo manga. I'll go hunt for my harmonica today =D then I'll practice...hopefully.

PS-I'm starting to eat regularly again. I still can't eat anywhere close to what my normal appetite was, but I'm not throwing up my food, and I'm eating a decent amount before feeling sick. =D *thumbs up*
