Hello • Bonjour • Hallo • Ciao • こんにちは • Привет • 你好

Welcome to the Hetalia Family!

The basic purpose of this world is to gather as many Hetalia fans out there on the Otaku in one world! We mainly roleplaying here with each member as one country. We also share pictures and other Hetalia related media. Please join us in conquering the world the international fun!

Register | Rules/FAQ | List of Members

I Love You<3

Some of you have seen this already, maybe? Well, I like it so here I shall post it^^

External Image

from zerochan (all credit goes to original artist)

Thanks for letting me join the family^^

Enjoy ;3


drawing time!


i've got to post this in our hetalia world XD
both of them are sooooooo cuteee!!

which reminds meeee, i can't wait to know who's gonna be Romano in our family XD
External Image
stolen from zerochan*shot*



Welcome to the Rules section! Please read this before registering ^^

~ When rolepaying, please stay in character while posting! If you must add a sidenote as yourself, separate it with a dash or italicize it. Also, add a signature at the end so that we know which character is posting!

~ For this world, you HAVE to pick a character that's in Hetalia canon. To know the complete list of characters in hetalia, go here and pick one that is not already filled. I'm sorry to disappoint anyone but it gets really confusing with the OC's because we don't always know the relationship between the characters.

~ To get all updates, you must either subscribe to me (belletoile) or bookmark the world and check back often. Subscribing to someone who's a guest poster here won't work because for some reason the Otaku only notifies people who subscribes to me (because it's my world I guess?).

~ Hetalia is meant to poke fun at countries and stereotype its people. However, it is not allowed to insult any country or any culture in this world. There is a difference between funny and plain rude. You will be removed after 1 warning if this occurs.

~ You don't have to post every single day. But commenting/posting every once in a while is required. If you are inactive for 3 months, you will be removed (unless you let me know beforehand).

~ There will be a point system for posting. Every certain number of posts, you'll move up 1 level:

5 posts: •
10 posts: ••
15 posts: •••
20 posts: ♥

For now, it'll be 20 posts but I'll add more later on. Also, there will be prizes if you reach certain levels. These prizes will be a surprise.

~ And finally, have fun in our Hetalia family!


1. Do I have to roleplay?
~ You don't have to roleplay if you don't want to. You can contribute in other ways by posting Hetalia news, pictures, videos, etc.

Please comment here with any questions! I'll add them to this section for everyone to see ^^

Hatafutte Russia and China Preview

It came out <3

List of Members


5 posts: •
10 posts: ••
15 posts: •••
20 posts: ♥


~ England: belletoile •
~ Spain: itemilicious
~ Prussia: Haxelo
~ Germany: Ryuchu
~ Iceland: nekoluver4ever •
~ Russia: Chibi Grimmjow
~ Switzerland: xXxShiaxXx
~ Austria: HimekaLeafNinja
~ North Italy (Veneciano): rosel D •
~ South Italy (Romano): ShadowLullaby
~ Liechtenstein: Hanaro Souhi
~ Norway: yann0
~ France: Alchemic Mushroom
~ Denmark: iToxicPuppet
~ Hungary: moon vs sun
~ Ukraine: Hanako Sho
~ Sweden: PolarStuffings •
~ Ireland: kilalalover
~ Greece: HetaliaFan 101
~ Finland: SonicBlaze101
~ Sealand: Romanos Vixen
~ Belarus: lapaperninja


~ China: Wuzzle320 •
~ Japan: greenLeAfe •
~ Vietnam: shinestar99 •
~ Turkey: spirited16
~ Hong Kong: NinjaTofu
~ Korea: Ace of Hearts


~ USA: MLan424
~ Canada: Blysse •


~ Seychelles: TruJuHoCoLo


~ Wy: koolkatkrazy
