Meow! Welcome to Haphazard Tirades!
Yeah, so... where to start?

Please excuse any spelling/grammar errors; I know I'm pretty crazy about that stuff sometimes and I'll correct it, or I just won't care...

This is pretty much my crazy, everyday, monotonous, exciting, boring, you-don't-really-care, insane, awesome, pointless, blog thingy where I write stuff! It may or may not contain anything pertaining to manga, anime, or the great mysteries of life...

So, please enjoy and comment if you feel like it!

And don't forget to enjoy the video interlude at this time...

heey! wazzup?

mroow! i haven't been posting in a while, sorry ! anyway, a lot has happened since i posted let's begin!

umm. good news: i just got a devianart! and i mean, just got it, like 10 minutes ago XD. here's my name: cantel please visit, though i have nothing on my profile or whatever, but that'll change soon...i hope...

oh, the manga! a title hasn't been chosen yet, but it's gonna be fun! i'll give you a synopsis later...

oh! i was really bored one night, and was flipping through channels and somehow came to watching TLC's I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. yeah, wierd i know, right? but as i was sitting there, i heard the voice-over guy and was like "where have i heard this voice before?" then it hit me! it was Kakashi's voice! OMG!?!?! Kakashi's voice actor?!?!? it was a flip-out moment! very fun! soo.. yeh.

oh, and i know my sister will kill me for bringing it up, but: i found out my ex-boyfriend (the manwhore) not only got a bj from an eigth-grader a while ago, but had sex with her too! yeah, he apparently broke up with his out of state girlfriend (the one he dumped me for) and hooked up with a frikkin middle schooler! yeah, that can't look him in the face seriously anymore. he disgusts me and i'd like to see him rot. (wow, harsh) no, really, for awhile i felt like Fall Out Boy's song, Tell that Mick He Just Made My List of Things to do Today, summed up what i wanted to tell him (changing the pronouns in the end).

enough with bitterness, i'll just forget over time, i hope. but yeah, for advice to younger peoples: don't date in high school, much lesss middle school because it's soo over-rated, and unless you find a real keepre, almost all of the boys are immature jerks who can't control their... hormones.

sorry to be so bitter. anyway, see you later! (maybe even on dA!) and if you're ever bored, just switch to TLC and listen to smexy kakashi's voice (becuase we can't hear it anymore on frickkin cartoon network cause they stopped toonami. idiots) mewo, and peace out!

one time, at band camp...

so, it's all true!!! bunnies are the cutest animal in the world, but then again, so are kitt-ays!

any way, i would like to make an observation: band geeks are not always as innocent as people should like to think... many atimes, they are stereotyped as the craziest/most sexy club in school.

Example: in Mean Girls (the movie), when they-re pointing out the cliques at the lunch tables they mention the "sexually active band geeks" or somthin' like that.

That is so true!!! I'm serious, i didn't join marching band, but being in the symphonic band is still close enough. I'm telling you, we like, all date @ least one person from band, or some people even only date others in band. my friend says we in-breed.

oh, and if anyone's seen Secret Life of the American Teenager (horrible show, i watch it just to make fun of it), the girl gets pregnant one time @ band camp. oh, and she gives french horns a bad name, they are way cooler and not as lame/crybaby as her in any way.

anyway, that's kind of true because i've heard stories of...breaking the rules of no "opposite gender mingling w/out keeping doors open" to say the least...and one story of two people too cught up in...other stuff to bother closing the door and innocent victims walking by...yeah, not going into details so as to keep this PG-13!

I'm not saying everyone in band is sexually involved w/ one another or even sexually active, and if i offended anyone, i'm sorry. i was just making an observation about my school, my friends, and jerks like my,to all you band peeps out there, i'd like to start a story-telling comment starting with:

One time, at band camp...! (please keep comments @ PG-13 level!!!)

peace out!
