Meow! Welcome to Haphazard Tirades!
Yeah, so... where to start?

Please excuse any spelling/grammar errors; I know I'm pretty crazy about that stuff sometimes and I'll correct it, or I just won't care...

This is pretty much my crazy, everyday, monotonous, exciting, boring, you-don't-really-care, insane, awesome, pointless, blog thingy where I write stuff! It may or may not contain anything pertaining to manga, anime, or the great mysteries of life...

So, please enjoy and comment if you feel like it!

And don't forget to enjoy the video interlude at this time...

screw titles

sooo....yeah, i'm bored and thought i'd post really quick b4 i had to go to the library for community service. NRRHRMM! i have no idea what that was, but maybe ti's because i'm frustrated... i really want to see u-no-who (have i told u his name? i think not: it's anthony) BUT, he's on vacation for pretty much the whiole rest of the summer it's kinda weird not seeing him, cuz i'd see him in school and spent practically the whole week with him after school was out. oh well. i still text him. it's kinda funny, if you looked at my text inbox, the majority of the messages are from him >.< i talked with my one friend, trying to determine if he likes me back or not, like girls usually do! arrr, i feel like i'm in middle school again, ewww!

oh well, i gotta go! see you later! have a nice summer!



yeah...sorry, arm spasms! haha, no anyway, i just went into theO chatroom and it was fun! really random and an m.c.f. mongolian cluster f***, don't ask of people talking to everyone or just one was fun. seems like everytime i go on here, i have 0 comments, 0 comment replies and 0's kinda depressing, so i go onto my dA and be all happy because there's always some notice or message of some kind... anyways...yeah. i'm gonna change my background on my world and stuff soon, i feel like it needs a change...oh and the intro too, i don't really like it...

*sigh* well, until later, see ya!


Meh! ok, so that 5-page paper due thursday? Yeah, it was pushed back a day, but did I type it up? NO! ok, well, I did write out most of it, but I still haven't typed it up.

Then what are you doing typing a post instead, huh?

Meh! so, I'll do that when I'm done posting...though I'll still come back and look at cute piccys ^-^; hehe... but yeah, I have to finish writing it (while listening to a mix of vocaloids, disturbed, rammstein, tokio hotel, and whatever else i'll put on my playlist...) where was I? oh yeah, I have to finish before, like quarter after six because I have a band concert *o* bleh...

nugget of info: I play trumpet. Yes, I'm a girl and I play a brass instrument, so awsomely I'll kick your @$$! hey, that rhymes: I play brass it'll kick your a$$...playing brass is fun cause most of the people are guys or cool girls that aren't all preppy and like: "I can't get my nails chipped," or "spit valves, ew!" Woot, it's yeah I'll do that and maybe (hopefully not tho) have to finish my research paper.

What is it on, you may ask? Why, sure I'll let you know! it's on smoking bans, there was a list of controversial topics we could choose from. I didn't wanna pick abortion, cause i'm so sick of arguing with everyone about it. Not immigration, i don;t vare enough about it. Not the war in Iraq, that's way overdone. And not flag-burning, that just doesn't have enough info...My first choice was legalization of marijuana, but it was too ironic at the time (long story, maybe next post) and I didn't want my parents to ask "So, what's this project on?" and me having to explain...yeah, awkwardness 0_< So yeah, smoking bans were my choice. here's the paper: 1st page is definiton and importance in society. 2-3.5: the pro side. (it's a page and a half long) 3.5-4: con side. (same length as pro) 5:conclusion, including our opinion and "wha may have influenced you"

so yeah...I should shut up now...*sigh* well, Au revoir.
Auf wedersein.
A bientot.
Any other way to say goodbye in another language...


After thought: jeez, this so so loooooooong! meh!

haven't talked in a while...

NOOO!!!! say it ain't true! if you are reading bleach, but haven't gotten latest chapters don't read Ulquiorra might be dead!!! it makes me sad i hope not....

on a happier note, i'm gonna have a cinnamon roll right now-ish but sadly, i'm supposed to be writing yet another paper for english that's due tomorrow...again i procrastinate. but this time i will try my best and not just half-arse it.

so i should stop posting right now and eat then keep on writing...i might post more, idk.

love ya!

no time

heya! how is everyone? i have to eat dinner and go soon, but i just wanted to say...i, bunnies? hold on, oh! you know that paper i was complaining about in my first post, yeah i got a bad grade on it... so the moral of the story is kids: don't procrastinate, it never works unless you're a smexy genius ninja! which some of you may be, but most of us aren't...that's all. danke!