So...I have not posted in a while, huh? I know you all are pissed but I was busy and lazy and well....yeah.

Here I am though! With things and stuff to tell you all!!

First, I DO have chapters on the way and in the works, I just have been a little lazy and not gotten around to putting them up. There is one completely finished chapter of Tewoeklon and two of The Catalyst, one I have back and the other is with my editor. Now you don't have to worry about those anymore, I have not died or gotten blocked or whatever, IT IS COMING!!!!! (not the end, but I wouldn’t discount that altogether either…)

Second in that department is the annoyingness of me in that I have come up with yet ANOTHER future story idea, and for you lucky yaoi fans, it is one!! Although I wish to stress for other fans of my work that it is NOT just some yaoi with sex and crap and then a little story in the back to make everything flow. This is very much another story of mine that just so happens to have main characters in a homosexual romance rather than a heterosexual one. I just wanted to stress that for those not really fond of yaoi. This will still be one of my stories and anyway, there is going to be other hetero relationships for those who are a little uncomfortable. ^-^ And then to those who ARE yaoi lovers, like me, WOOO to the SEXY! But that is a later project, so don’t get too riled up. I presently have about three or four of those now. Darn me and my AWESOME mind! (seriously, it is…all my story ideas are from DREAMS)

Since I have somewhat reluctantly taken an art class this year, it may need to be expected that some things I put up could be for my class and then also I will perhaps be a little slower in my projects. Even if I really need to finish the ones I have piled up in my folder. T.T oh I'm so bad with that...people out there want to kill me for that too, I'm sure. (one name comes to mind--*cough* Avarice *cough cough*) The only new thing I have is ONLY new because it is needed for my art class; otherwise everything is still the works I have had in there. OH I WILL FINISH THOSE THINGS IF IT KILLS ME!!!! HAHAHAHA a solemn vow I make to the interwebs! …I wonder if interwebs will eat me if I don’t?? 0.o

EDIT: I have begun putting up many of my previously in-progress drawings that are now completed ones! Only two in-progress ones left and one of those is nearly done!! ^-^

Currently in the life of me, I just got back from the big birthday celebration for the august (and my) birthday's at my grandparents house. Coming out with $58 in cash, two Amazon gift certificates (totaling $45...oh "wow" ...), a glass necklace from Venice, and an awesome sterling silver belt-looking ring. This is the best birthday year I think. My grandmother used to be AWFUL about getting me gifts that I didn't want to throw away when I got home. But OH the manga and dvds I need to buy!! ^-^ And on that birthday note of mine, it just so happens that in 5 days on September 3rd I shall be officially 18 years old and considered an adult. Even though I am far more mature in some ways than a few adults I know of... HMM HMM C.C So be relatively pleased about this, although in reality nothing really changes much at all. Tsk Tsk to people and their crazy notions.

I also just got back from my senior retreat which was Wednesday—all day and Thursday— morning to lunch...for anyone wondering where I was on those days^-^ I did have a good time and it was MUCH better than all my other high school retreats but I got back with sun burns, sore arms and upper back, and now my allergies are pissed OFF! So that is a bit irritating but what can you do? I shrug at the thoughts of what I would do but can't because it's impossible or highly illegal, ahahaha ^-^

Now I finish boring you all with these updates, and get back to watching my lovely Titanic and drinking my yummy Dr.Pepper. WOOO!!!

Now go, my darlings! Be happy and productive...and....and..................(go jump off a bridge)What?! Who said that? 0,o

P.S. title is from the awesomely hysterical Thumbtanic...for the Thumb movies are AMAZING....if you have not seen them, then you must. Do it. Do it.
