Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

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if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

time for a little change, perhaps?

Sup minions, how goes things?

Yeah whatever about you, this is about me.


..no, shhhhhh shhhhhhh....i didn't mean that *pets intensely* you know i love you darlings, you know it......*whispers* you know... > 3<


Anyways! I decided to pop up to announce that i have been contemplating changing my avatar!! :O Yes, i realize that is a tiny, random, not really worthy of mentioning change, however i wanted to say something about something. It also shows my existence and i have been trying to be better with assuring all of ye that i am, in fact, alive.

I suppose i also felt this could be worthy of a post because i so very very VERY rarely change my avatar here, or anywhere really. When i find something i like i tend to stick with it for a good long while. That actually applies to nearly every aspect of my life. o-o For example, I own several articles of clothing, wear only a few constantly, and some of them have holes in them--the two pairs of shoes i wear regularly both have holes and are falling apart--but i still keep and wear them all because i heart them and they are technically in tact. Plus some aren't things i actually wear outside...often...

Okay enough of my sloppiness.

*ahem* Ever since theOtaku had its huge overhaul and got rid of myOtaku, i have had a total of TWO avatars. Yup, two. And now i felt like it was time to change, not sure why, but i just did and so i am going with the flow of my feels. One should always flow with the feels. Unless it is about things that could get you arrested, then you probably shouldn't. First you need to make sure you won't get caught, THEN go with it.

For a long while i maintained this site as one where i show my love through imagery for my second OTP, sebciel--sebastian and ciel from the anime kuroshitsuji--which you no doubt noticed considering the theme of this little world of mine. They have also been what my two avatars featured since the myOtaku change. HOWEVER, i am considering having a sesskag avatar. I will likely be altering my age-long maintaining of avatars and instead trying to have new ones a little more often, so i will likely switch between the two, or maybe even have some OTHERS. GASP! OH MY! WHAT IS THIS BLASPHEMY?! I know, i know, it is a daring and unexpected announcement from your beloved leader, but never fret, i have not been possessed nor infected with parasites that alter my very nature. I was sure to lock the cage more securely this time.

Since my decision I have been working on a few sesskag avatars that had been lingering sadly in my files, unloved and yearning to be used, and i feel like since i have done so, one of them deserves to be shown. Some i have actually done a lot of work on. Why do some people make the weirdest color changes on things? I mean, Sesshoumaru isn't orange, why is he orange? *eyeroll* No idea... Currently i am debating between several, some i have done stuff too, and some i haven't touched and just simply have. ... GAH! What shall i do, sweetlings? WHAT SHALL I DO!? IT IS SO HARD TO PICK!!!!!!

There are nine that i am contemplating, which i CAN cut down to four i think...but of those four, three have at least two versions to choose from--cause they were ones i messed around with--...so it seems as though there are even MORE choices to be made....

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and being a llama just makes it harder!!

if you're reading this, i may be alive

Oh dearest minions, do you know just how sad things are without my scanning abilities? ...you know not how horridly abysmal it is on my side of the virtual realm separating us so cruelly T-T

I wish i could be posting doodles for you all, i wish i could be posting them for myself, alas i cannot. GROINAEO[;.NAWE aovian[;.'erivabns984[rlgkiuabudv AEIOFHNLAEIRH'.[IEBKNFAISBQAELRI][;,34o23rOAHSLNDFEQIEWAWEOFNAOGRSTIHN laisubel539];aiudhvbaerifha-45'';einfais YIRBgr35[NAWOAPV:N oiahweiof2wf34[pl23[pjfoihwefoi FO[]'[/HWRAFOH[;8O34IWJ53HD$%(^::{W!!!!!!!
I don't feel that accurately represents my woe. No, no it does not. Not even in the slightest of ways. ... Le freakin sigh. >:C

I decided to post something to again remind you darling dears that i still maintain a heart beat and linger about on this and my other sites, even without the ability to put up any works of mine. Yes, i am alive. This post will obviously rid you of your anxieties. Because that is how the world works. Amazing, i know.

Here is a WIP set of something i am working on that isn't one of my batch of sketchy, practice doodles, at least half of which cannot be posted here. Hurrhurr. ;P It's a doodle of Kagome, cause she's my go to when random doodling. I cannot say for sure what is pissing her off, but it's something. Her face and hair bother me greatly, i kind of messed up and though i continued to try and fix them, they just...eh... Well, I'm not done with it yet, so maybe i can still work with them up until then. Who knows when i'll be able to post it anyways!! Ahahaha, aha, ha ha... T 3T You see my humor there? Revel in it. ...Do it. Cause i am certainly not able.

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here is the tumblr post, cause why not

Whelps, there you have it. I have been doing things, just can't show you them. But have a WIP. It is technically something. Yup.


*obnoxiously flails about in melodramatic, morose, broken heartedness of epic sighery*

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applicable gifs are applicable


Alright, you can cease your excitement, for i tricked you. Now that i've ensnared you with my clearly devious trap, you shall go ahead and continue reading. Yes. You shall.
Bleghs, my dears... -____-

I do apologize for the lack of things going on, i have been having technological issues again...you wouldn't believe the ones actually. It is literally absurd yet disturbingly expected due to my evident lack of luck.

Any of you who have read these silly things, which of course you do because it is mandatory, but anyways, do you recall my postings about computer and laptop issues? Well, guess what. Nearly those exact problems have returned just in time for the new year! Isn't that just fabulous? Is it not the most wonderful turn of events to ever occur? I know that's what i think. What else would i think about it? Obviously.

No. No. I totally lied. I am sure you couldn't tell that i was lying, but i was. It's okay. I know you're mad, but i think you will survive. Don't quote me on that though. Because i am probably lying about that as well. Not sure.

Well then, much like before, my laptop has started randomly restarting for no reason i know of. It is not quite the same as before, there is no specific reason i can recognize coming up when the report that i understand practically nothing of appears, though i suspect it could be a similar one that plagued me back at the later part of 2013. So far it has done this five times, the last one was literally a few hours ago. All this has re-inspired a grand amount of paranoia about loosing my files, so i have backed up many things quite a few times...in fact, every time i add or edit anything i move it over to my flash drive. I cannot lose things or i will die inside. And then where would you all be? I know you can't live without me. *creepily pets*

Along with that, the monitor of the computer i use for scanning and editing my drawings has returned to not responding. Which is marvelous. Now i cannot scan anything. And this lack of ability to scan has rather put me off of working on, well, anything... So i have thusly not been working on much. I do have a few doodles, just doodles, and i think only one of them i will even be putting up here and dA, one i might but i don't know yet, and then the others are absolutely NOT APPROPRIATE for this site and i would never get away with on dA. But they will go somewhere *cackles* ;3 Everything else though has been put off because of the underwhelming sense of productivity that has come on with this recent turn of events.

I wish this had not occurred, it rather ruined my attempts to complete many of my waiting WIPS. But of course that would happen. I cannot make goals for myself without them being sufficiently dashed. Sigh..................

i know not when things may start working correctly, or if they shall simply die and leave me to mourn. You all should prepare a delectable sacrifice for the technology overlords in the hopes that your leader may be saved from this chaos. This is a chaos i do not need, nor want. My preferred chaos does not damage my laptop. That is a big no no.

Anyways....that is what's going down in my realm. Thought i should give an update here since there isn't much of any in my art.


sooo...have this to ease things, i suppose...cause i post these things all the time now apparently... o-o
and, no, it's not funny, but it is adorable and touching and has a cow

