Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

I own a voodoo doll....he looks like a little green-hatted gnome...0-o

MY DARLINGS!!!! It feels like it has been so long since I was hear with my posts of crappy information...ahh....bet you missed me didn't you? Well, that's okay, i'm here, well, I always am, I just haven't been posting...ehehehe... c_c

Nowsies, I have put up chapter four of Tewoeklon and chapter eight of The Catalyst! WOO! Be happy. I'm sorry for taking a while, I was really being lazy and a bit avoidy in putting them up since i've had them done for a little while now. I was simply dreading getting them up. You see, it's like this for me, I have 4 sites that I have these stories on. And two of them, one here and the other deviantART, take soooo long!! I have to do descriptions and tags and then I have to freakin manually add in all the page breaks and stuff...quite irritating. And I simply HATE doing tags, with a fire-y passion!!!! Which is why I rarely add any to my posts ^-^ But that aside, I would like to inform you all that the next chapters of each are started, meaning they are being done!! So there shall be no fretting my loves, basically i'm told from my editor, Mero, that they are very cliffhanger-y...well, at least The Catalyst chapter eight is. 0-o WOO!

For drawings, i'm sure you all have been wishing and wanting me to get my butt in gear and put some up! And I will...I just have weirdnesses, where I need to have some in-progresses and stuff, I just do. Do not question my insanity. But be expecting gradual increases in ability!! I apologize that the first I put up in a while was that old commission one of mine, that wasn't too great in severaly areas :P But things are getting better! Then to Avarice, I AM working on Auxvita, though I have been being a little lazy with it...I know that I's being naughty about that, but really, you'll understand my laziness when you see it...you know, eventually. ^-^ It's like...a hand killer... T-T Curse my brains!! Well, no, I do like my brains, sometimes at least... 0-o Oh I just looked and I have 5 drawings right now, 3 in-progress and 2 complete! So be ecstatic over this knowledge that you now possess!

Oh in my world of existing and such, I'm actually getting back to watching my anime, and of course I just went and started one that will take a while. Although I really like it! I was first brought to it from the adds here, for it is Kyou Kara Maou and it's pretty^-^ And then, I'm FINALLY about to start my first Yaoi anime!!! AH, so pleased!! I have always been very fond of yaoi, but I just never got around to watching any and also I never really knew of any ones that were good. Silly me actually, you'd think I would after all the anime I watch, ne? Hehehehe! I have choosen Junjo Romantica, thanks to the brainwashing abilities of Youtube videos. I can't help but obey...that's how I became a SasuXSaku fan, when I have never seen Naruto! Ahh, things are wrong with me indeed.

....I think I may have started to ramble....0_o Oops.

ByeBye, my dears!!

My mother never helps me lift the whale!

I decided that due to so much going on, I simply had to come and post about it all! Oh, uh, my darlings...^-^

HA. So i'm sure many of you have noticed my sudden leap into the world of wallpapers lately. And that is due to coersion from Mero, but I do enjoy making them and hope to do more once I get caught up on my drawings a bit! SOO MANY TO DO! But i'm so thankful to the 3 subscribers I recieved from starting wallpapers! I soooo appreciate it!

I have, however, gotten my drawings updated a bit though! I have three of five drawings done, the other two are in progress. And yes, I have started Auxvita for you Avarice!! He pissed me off a bit last night but I got him to cooperate mostly....though his hands are still non-existent as they bugged me greatly. But I have big plans for the drawing, I hope it turns out they way I've invisioned it! ^-^

OH and Avarice I'm soo pleased for the drawing you did for me! ^-^ here it is for anyone interested! Her work is so unique and great!
External Image

Now for writings. For the Catalyst, I have finished chapter seven and it's revision and chapter eight has been finished and sent to Mero...who will have it edited after the accursed 4H work....DARN YOU!!!!!! *shakes fist* Then, i will put up chapter seven sometime today, so look for it! Tewoeklon still hasn't moved as I said it wouldn't until I reached the pausing place of The Catalyst. ^-^ Thanks to all who read my stories!!!
EDIT!!: Chapter Seven is up!!!!!!!!!!

Since I have finished getting all that information to you all, I now wants foodies. I haven't contemplated what I want much, but I think that I may have some spaghetti...for it is yummy to me^-^ And after that has been devoured muchly, as I am known to eat a three person helping, I will get to work on Auxvita! And he best be obediant this evening.

Toodles than!! ;P

If plants weren't crucial to the existence of me...I would just go blow them up.....................

Hello my lovelies!! ^-^

I have for the first time ever attempted and successfully created a wallpaper. I did submit it here, but I will have to wait and see if it goes through or not. WARNING to those who view it, I somehow accidentally created this as 800X600 rather than 1024X768 as the required standard is...i'm still not sure how that happened yet since I set the beginning to 1024X768. But whatever, I am very pleased with how it came out and I hope it goes through so that it can be commented on. However DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT view it 1024X768 or it will be blurry and bleh...must be viewed and used as 800X600. I apologize for that and I will make sure all future ones are the right size:P Hehe sorry! ANYWHO keep your fingers crossed that it goes through and looks right!! If not...i'm REALLY sorry, but it can be viewed on my deviantART account --> InuYasha-addict.
EDIT: yeah...sooo it did go through but it looks wrong...it's not nearly as clear... sigh....................

Now for the fun part, drawings, they are pilled and I am working through them as best as I can....but right now I have 4 out on my bed...two of which are still in-progress, the other two finished. One of those though drove me NUTS!!! PLANTS SHOULD BE MURDERED...except for that little fact of needed oxygen... so if you can, pull up some grass, kick a tree, rip the petals from a flower for me when you think of the annoying horrors I went through to finish that darn drawing. But those particular ones aside! I have at least TWO in my head that WILL be on paper soon, one being AvariceTears Auxvita drawing^-^ I'm very anxious to get all these done and up here. Although that will take a bit seeing as I can only put up ONE every 24 freakin hours...........T-T sadness...

In the wondrous land of writings, I have chapter seven of The Catalyst finished and I believe last night my editor, Mero, sent it back to me...though I have yet to check as it's been a busy few hours since I slipped from my bed... UGH! I was up ALL night on that wallpaper...literally...you'll see when you read the description... oh yes, back to words of writings. Well, that's really all there is, it may be a bit before I get to them again as I want these drawings updated first.

That's all my dears^-^ I have to go get ready for water aerobics! Sigh...I hope they have food this time...last time I contemplated eating the soap, or my foot...whichever really...I was hungry...:P

TOODLES NOW!!! Oh, by the way...I have begun my molting of sunburnt skin...

For now, view this picture of evil kitteh, for it is TOTALLY me.
External Image

I am apparently an inherently and ingeniusly skilled inflatable sword blower-upper...odd to learn

I'm sorry to no one, as it appears no one cared at all to comment or read my few post from my vacation, but sorry for not posting anything about yesterdays activities...I was quite tired...my internal schedule has been completely out of wack this week. :P

Basically, I'm giving you some updates on things as i'm far to lazy to bother telling you what happened yesterday since I was obviously not caring enough to put up a post anyway. HA.

So, here we go.

I didn't make ANY progress on drawings this week as I was tired every evening and not up for trying to work on my complex In-Progress drawings. I did however finish my third new manga volume I got before the trip, I have one more to read though. I also just barely skimmed the surface of chapter seven of The Catalyst. Although I have very many ideas and plans on what will occur in this and next chapters. I hope that those of you who read the story are excited for it!

There has been no movement on Tewoeklon though, currently still working through that and still flooded with ideas for The Catalyst...not quite at a pausing moment there yet. Once I do though, I'll make sure to work some on Tewoeklon for those who like that story!

That's about all I came to say!! Still a bit tired, but i'll try to work on what I can as I fall back into my warped system^-^

you better remember, Nobody beats our ribs! ...yeah...and stuff....

Alright, most depressing of all, not only did I not get ANY FREAKIN COMMENTS on my last post...but the one person I can generally count on to do so DIDN'T!! And the worst part, she's online RIGHT NOW and I'm sure she has been on all day too! Pisses me off. I mean, I know it was a long one...and i'm sorry for that but it would be nice to get something!

Putting my annoyance aside, today we did some more swimming at another water park. Swam some in the wave pool and then rode two of the slides. And OH, you know how they haave lifeguards who take the tube you're on and brings it to the tube? Yes, well, my sister and I got up there and sat down as it was double so two tubes could be down and waiting to go at once. First he sent my sister through and then came to me and as I was about to go he says kinda quietly you girls wore suncreen right and I automatically said yes even though I didn't even register what he had said until I was in the slide and I was was going past the threshold he said good otherwise you'd get fried. Now generally you'd think, ah that's a nice thing to remind someone of...but it made me a bit uncomfortable and awkward. Since i'm a fairly observant person, I seemed to notice that it looked as though he was looking at my chest which is why I think he brought it up. My bathing suit exposes a lot of skin up top. :P Anyway, I felt a bit weird but I tried to ignore it really.

We went up again and went down relatively fine that time as well as when we came up to ride the body slide, which really only needs a go ahead by the lifeguard. However, the next time we came up there was no line and my sister and I had decided to try a double tube. One for two people. And there was no one else up there but him waiting, and when he saw us he had this smirk, and so I said "Tired of us, yet?" and he said "Yes" in a jokey, sarcastic way. As my sister and I were getting in all was well and just as he is getting ready to get us through, he asks me "do you like cold water?" and thinking that was weird to ask I said "uh, sure..." and so he puts the front of the tube (which is where I was) up directly at the threshhold were water is falling down to get you wet before going into the tube. And he holds it there, soaking my in cold water. And as we go through finally he says "see ya" and I in reaction said "bye while heading through the tube already. As Inu--Yasha and I were going along the lazt river that the slides open into I was saying how he was obviously flirting with me. Though I guess I did sort of unintentionally edge it on. ^-^ I've been told I do that... 0,o

Anywho, after the slides we waved once more and then ate. But we then heading back to the room and decided to swim a while in the pool of the lodge, as you can't really swim at a water park. We did that for a while, playing around and such until I wanted to get out so that we could do something else. However, we didn't end up being able to do anything. Cause once we were done we went to eat, came back to the room for a short moment and then left for a water skii, light, comedy, and other crap show which we have seen before...though it's different each year they have it. The first time we saw it, it had been pirate themed and this time is was camp themed.

After that long show, we came back to the room, where I am now...typing on my bed...watching...well, more like listening to the tv.

I suppose that's all for today!! Tomorrow there is some more game like things...be ready and PLEASE COMMENT!!! I REALLY appreciate it when you do^-^