Welcome to Community Fusion!

(Please Note: This WAS at one point in time a RP, but for reasons, I have closed it. Why would I not just delete the world? Because this rp is filled with memories of my three years on TheOtaku along with all my past and present members. I think it would kill us all to see it all just vanish. It was a fun ride, Community Fusion, and thanks ^^)

Harmony, a place we thought was only in the legends. It was a place where all the half breeds tried to go, to escape the life they lived is, constantly looked down on by the humans. Two years, we looked around the world, we lost some, and gained some, some even gave up along the way believing that such a place didn’t exist. But we made it, we found Harmony. Many of us lived peacefully for a few years, we made lives and were reunited with the ones we thought were lost. All seemed right and in place, until the guardian of Harmony turned up dead.

When we first arrived at the gate of Harmony, we were approached by a beautiful serpent Half Breed. Later, we found she was a god. She was a guardian, one who watched and protected it from those who wished ill on it. We were made aware of what had happened by the god who watched and protected the inside of Harmony. With her dying breath, she sealed the entrance to Harmony.

With this turn of events, we decided to leave, to go back to the human’s world to discover what had become of it. And… What awaited us was a great surprise. Time passes slow in Harmony, while it felt like only a short few years, ten years had passed within the human’s world. Not only that, but all half breeds were forced to be kept by humans. They became nothing more than a servant or pet. Besides that, there were other species. Half breeds who lost their way and became nothing more than a beast, one who mindlessly fights. Cross Breeds, those who were a result of experiments and were a mix of two animals, but just in appearance holding none of the enhanced senses.

All of this… Has become of the Human’s world. Well, there’s no turning back now that the entrance to Harmony was hidden and sealed. All we can do is keep moving forward.

Here's the world where you create your own halfbreed and return to the Human's world after years of a peaceful life in Harmony. Drama, action, and romance, that's what this adventure's all about so don't be afraid to put in a few twists into the mix.

Be sure to post and have fun!


Littlepooch-Leader(Sky Makoto the Cat, Nathan the Black Leopard, Rika Rakesh the Hyena, and Sage Galson the Megalodon.)

XxRaindropsxX-Coleader(Ariel the White Tiger.)

Cair Paravel-Secretary(Lucille Lapin the Rabbit, Rita LeProtto the Border Collie and Eve Royle the White Stag.)

HalfwayVamped-Senior Member(Io the Dragon, Naoki the Lynx, Seth Leavenworth the Dragon.)

GreenLeAfe-Senior Member(Kasumi the Soricid and Tamotsu the Blue Jay.)

Amestar-Senior Member(Abigail the Golden Eagle and Alicia the Snow Leopard.)

Animelover7310-Senior Member(Moon Rakesh the Black Leopard, Luna Rakesh the Snow Leopard, Brooklyn the Lynx and Baffin Island Wolf and Nathan the Black Leopard.)

Balletninja-Senior Member(Jethro the German Shepard.)

ChiyukiChan-Senior Member(Kai Hughes, Ennis Hughes the Human, and Benign Hughes the Field Mouse.)

YamiHita-Senior Member(Shadow Curtis the British Colombian Wolf, Ice the British Colombian Wolf, Kin the Iriomote Cat, Willow the British Columbian Wolf and Tasmanian Devil.)

OnlyAMarionette-Senior Member(Sebastien Charbonneau the Raven and Rhys Hansen the Eastern Brown Snake.)

HanakoAnimeaddict-Senior Member(Claudia Kincaid the Otter, Kari Kincaid the Maine Coon, and Saya the Nene Goose.)

Simplebeast231-(Wesnorth Roley the Titanoboa.)

Kayuki-(Prince Caliber the Red Fox.)

IyamiNaHamusutaa-(Moot the Roborovski Dwarf Hamster.)

Mmmchocolate-(Paloma the Dog.)

Revengeisblood-(Shela the Sheep *suspended*.)

Tutcat-(Raina Blazet the Red Fox.)

Eiri Yuki s Lover-(Alec the Cheetah.)

Shom-(Trent the Monkey.)

Important links!

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I hope ta see some good posts!


...I Wish I Knew.

Pierce -

The figure was walking to me, rather slowly, I think, but time was slow for me anyway. Things like that happen when your hands are icicles.

Soon, the figure gained form, and I recognized it as the hawk girl from earlier. Why would she bother talking to--or let alone saving an idiot like me? Why dis anyone care, anymore?

I wasn't ungrateful, however, when she didn't ignore me and walk away. Her eyes were focused on mine, and they were amazingly warm...it was really comforting.

...It almost made me forget my hands were frozen to the cursed marionette. It almost made me forget I had nothing to live for. And, hey, y'know what? 'Almost' sounded pretty good right now. I tugged at my hands, and she joined in, so, eventually they were ripped off, leaving them bleeding a little, and cold as ice.

The hawk girl stood about a foot away from me, she looked at me for a moment, then looked at the snow sculpture, she pointed at it, "That's really pretty." she said in her soft, quiet way. Somehow, that comforted me, too. It was nice to not have someone screaming in your ears about something or another.

"Thanks..." I muttered, trying my hardest to sound sincere as I rubbed my hands together in a futile effort of warming them.

She seemed to ponder something for a moment, so I re-focused my attention on my hands. Man, ice-on-ice does not make warmth by a long shot...

But, suddenly a new pair of hands reached down to hold mine. Had my senses not been dulled, I would have jumped away from the contact, but since I couldn't, I didn't move. The girl was trying to warm my hands up, too...The thought seemed foreign to me. Why bother wasting time on me? Why try to save the damned?

It took me a minute to realize that her hands were scalding.

I almost jumped, but didn't. This girl was warm! I relaxed as she held my hands and tried to keep them from freezing.

I looked up at the girl who had saved me, taking in her appearance. Her hair was straight, and little past her shoulders. It was light brown with gold-tinted highlights that shimmered, even despite the lack of sun. The girl looked back up into my eyes, and I noticed their deep brown shade.

This girl was like a big beacon of warmth, and I was beyond grateful for her sudden appearance, "Hi, if you don't know me, my name is Abby." she greeted me softly, her eyes searching mine. Thinking on it now, she was definitely not a hawk...More like an eagle. Just, not a hawk.

"Hi, Abby." I muttered back, resisting the urge to shiver at the increasing wind. I failed and began to shudder.

Abby noticed, and moved so that she was blocking the wind. She was still trying to warm my hands up. This girl was too nice for her own good--she should be trying to get to safety herself..."What are you doing all they way out here?" she asked me, her voice not prying, just worried and a bit curious.

I thought for a moment, the warmth Abby was providing was helping me regain a safe thought process. I sighed, "I ...really don't know...For a minute, I thought that I had it all figured out, but, the more I think about it, the stupider it sounds. I guess, I just needed time to think...Just time to breathe and accept that she can't come back..." I shook my head biting my lip, "I just forgot it was going to storm and that my clothes aren't appropriate for this weather. That's all..." I sounded like I was trying to convince myself. Pitiful.

Abby hesitated for a moment, then squeezed my hands encouragingly. "It's okay to be sad every once in a while..." she whispered, her eyes convincing me.

I looked at her for a minute then smiled, "Yeah?...Thanks, Abby." I said quietly, then smiled a bit more, "I'm Pierce, in case you didn't know. I've heard people talk, and discovered that my honorary name is 'that cow halfer', so if you ever decide to call me by name, that's cool, too." I assured the brunette.

Abby looked at me curiously for a minute, then smiled warmly, "Okay, Pierce."

I looked at the terribly storming sky, "C'mon, we've got to get back to the Bear Cave before we both become ice sculptures." I stood up and helped Abby up, and as we walked I tried not to show how cold I really was.

Hopefully, it was convincing.


I hope that was okay. ^^

Snow and Puppets

Pierce -

I had ran from the cave, but I wasn't heading back to...that corpse. Nuh-uh. Never again.

I hadn't wanted to tell Jake that I couldn't go back to her. She was dead. She'd never need anyone...let alone me ever again...She wasn't mine anymore, even if you assumed I had her to begin with...

Hah. I grinned harshly as anger coursed through me. Hey, I had stopped crying. I learned my lesson. Never cry in front of that group. Then all you ever sense is pity and scorn. Useless.

I growled, the only way I could communicate right now with all of my turning emotions, 'Don't blame yourself for what happened'...Feh. That was a bit of a letdown. You're all the same mindless soul, after all. No matter what happens, you'll always feel...what? Obligated, is the best word. You'll feel obligated to say the damned stupidest things, even if it's only because if you say nothing at all, you'll be put down as a 'bad person'.

I sneered. A mean gesture, but who it was pointed at, I really didn't know. Probably me, but hell the rest of the world was probably caught in the sheer contempt of it, too. I sat down in the snow, continuing my mental rant set out to torture any mind reader in the world. Hah...It's excusable if you mean it...but only if you mean it. I've only met one living person who thinks about what they say, and only says it if it's sincere and she means it and it would help...But, y'know what? Screw it, she's dead now, too. Just like my parents. Just like her brother. Just like anyone's who's ever really cared about some poor idiot like me.

Everyone else? Oh, for a while I did try to make friends. They ran. Said I was crazy. Had the most hilarious reactions as they fell for my ploys, but in the end, either hated me, or were scared of me. Those who I tried to greet had no time for some 'beggar punk', and it usually got me into fights when they couldn't accept that I wasn't afraid of harsh words, or didn't care enough to argue when they yelled that they had to be somewhere and I walked away. So, either way, they left me all alone. And, hey, I smiled and sent them on their way. They didn't matter to me.

My Gods, I hate people. I hate their narrow-minded thoughts. I hate their ignorant, paranoid reactions. I am the Puppeteer, and people are my unknowing puppets. I can predict any reaction in the group, as can I cause it.

I frowned and began playing with the snow, trying to distract myself from these hateful thoughts that wouldn't stop. I didn't like where this was going...They don't realize that I have them all figured out. I observe. I listen. I begin to know things that I not only don't ever want to know, but crave to know...They are the strings to my puppets.

Nearly anyone in the group. I could make lose control. I could soothe or console. My empathetic curse is too strong for my own liking, and it's often too easy to fill in the blanks left open. They are my dear puppets and I hate them all.

Honestly, I want them to hate me, too. I don't deserve trust. I don't deserve anything. I have no loyalties to them now. No loyalties to anyone. I don't care. Why wont they realize that? I'm not suicidal; but, if I died, I wouldn't regret it. I'm not a murderer; but if I killed someone, I'd feel no remorse. I've no limits. I should be that of a nightmare, because I have nothing to stop me, so no matter what, I'll always win.

Loser's always win. They have nothing they can lose.

I sat in the snow, mouth agape. I continued sculpting the snow, trying again to distract myself. Look, okay, I know I sound pretty crazy by now, but...that's not the magnitude of my thoughts. Nowhere near. Sure some of it's pretty damned spot-on--more than I'd like to admit, in fact. But...my mind isn't that one-sided, I mean come on! Gods...I shook the thoughts out of my head. That kind of self-righteous crap should be saved for the people who live by that kind of ignorance, or at least believe it, thanks.

Heh...I guess that's all what I want to believe. Hate, hate, hate--blah blah blah. Gods, I can't even listen to it coming from myself. I might go crazy if I hear it from someone else again.

Yeesh. I can sit and pretend all I want to. 'I hate everyone' 'No one matters to me' Bah, don't be such a baby! If I hated hearing it from others, I loathed hearing it from myself.

Alright...look, here's how it is: I may be the Puppeteer, but I am by no means anyone's master. If I was I would promptly kill myself. But, I'm not, so no worries. Anyway, I can torture people mentally, get inside their heads--the angry voice of ignorance wasn't wrong when it said that because I listened, I had some control over people. I really do have them figured out, but...I couldn't really use it against them.

They are my beloved, despised puppets, after all. And, though I may tug at their strings and cause reactions just so I can have something to grin about, I'd never be able to hurt them.

I smiled sadly, Gods, this sucked. I was fond of this group. Even if they hate me, I'm still attached to them. Wouldn't call it love. Nah. I don't love things. 'Cept maybe doors...and sand. They deserve love. Anyhow, I sort of like this group, so I'll stick around til I see Harmony.

Pfft. Yeah. That'll be the day.



I smiled dryly, looking at the snowman I had created. It was pretty impressive, and very intricate. I was an artist, after all.

A marionette...that my hands were frozen to.

"AUGH!!" I screamed, tugging at my hands, trying to free them from the icy puppet. It occurred to me then that all this cold couldn't be healthy for me...or my hands. I could die if I didn't find anyone.

No! Not when I had just found my will to live!!

I looked around, and saw a figure coming my way. I sighed. I can keep composure well enough now. So, everything will be fine...If they help me, and I don't freeze.

"Heeeyyyy~! You! Yeah, you with the face!" I called, hoping my fine charismatic expertise would draw them in. Yeah, right.

"Uh-huh, you! I need help!! My hands, they're kinda stuck, and--HEY! Don't you even dare walk away, I might die, and today hasn't been great for me already, and--AUGHHH! YOU WALKED AWAY!" I screamed, hitting my head against the icy ground (I was sitting down). I glared at the snow and pouted, then called to the retreating figure, "It's me! Pierce! You better be getting help, 'cause if you're leaving me to freeze I'll be so pissed that I'll melt the damn ice myself then come and hit you with a rock!" I threatened, then slumped down. Now we play the 'let's not catch hypothermia' game.

I shivered violently, this game was so hard.


Hey...someone should help him...he's stuck, and probably insane. :P
No, seriously, otherwise everyone will forget about the poor cow. XD


I...Guess I Knew It

Pierce -

"That's why you need to go back." Tamotsu told me, his voice laced with sorrow.

My horrified expression didn't change, but now the bear was staring. I was on my feet in an instant. When I spoke, my voice was broken, "I know..." I looked down, "Tamotsu...She's dead, isn't she?" I felt his renewed sadness coming off of him in waves, I saw him nod. I bit my lip, my eyes filled to the brim with unshed tears.

I knew this would happen, so i couldn't cry...I had heard this story from our orphanage so many times. Every day I would beg them to say they were lying, and every day they would turn their heads to my living nightmare.

Her mother had committed suicide after throwing an angry fit about giving birth to someone inhuman and throwing her newborn child at the owner.

They told us all not to get attached to the poor girl. That it would be easier that way, and most of us listened...save me, and my two human brothers. We became her family. We became her friends, and her support...We thought that as long as we were here, she would be fine.

But, soon, my brothers left us, in human horror at our differences. She had left, too, and I knew that, alone, she wouldn't last through so many cold days...

When I found her, she had been fine, though. Perfect and beautiful, as if her sickness was gone. For a while...I dreamed that her sickness was gone. We would never be limited by it again, and soon, I forgot that she was my first priority. I forgot that I had to protect her from everything, and...and...

"If Jake wakes up...tell him I'll be right back." I choked out, then ran from the cave, the bear and Tamotsu staring at me as I fled. I had to get out of there. I had to see...

When I got to the group, I couldn't tell who all had rushed to mourn over my almost-lover. I just knew there was a group of people and I couldn't see her. One wonderful person, though I didn't know who the hell they were, noticed my arrival, and helpfully nudged people out of my way, to reveal blindingly scarlet snow, and Kasumi, holding Maki's now limp form.

My eyes were large and glassy, and I fell to my knees beside Kasumi, I swallowed hard, trying to dispel the knot that was preventing me from speaking. Once I was capable of speaking, I got Kasumi out of her trance, "...Please..." I choked out, "Can I...hold her for a minute...?" I asked almost silently.

Kasumi handed the limp-bodied girl to me gently, nodding softly, "Thanks..." I whispered, then looked down at Maki, then nearly choking on my tears. I brushed her wavy hair out of her face, then wiped the remaining blood from her face. At least someone had closed her eyes...If I saw them lifeless...what would I do...?

"...She...She sad that she loved you..." I heard Kasumi whisper.

My eyes widened, and tears started making their way down my face. I let out an audible sob, then covered my mouth. I had been so close...In the end, she was in reach, after all. Oh, Gods...

I looked around, and saw everyone avoid my gaze...Ice was unconscious, and being bandaged, so at least he was okay...

I sighed, I...had to get back to Jake...

"You can go, if you want to." the Soricid whispered, reading my mind.

I nodded tightly, laying Maki down in the soiled snow. "Goodbye, my almost lover...Goodbye, my hopeless dream..." I whispered, then ran back to the cave. I had to be there when Jake woke up, or at least make sure he was awake...that he would wake up...I choked, remembering Maki's body one more time. I had let her die...I had failed...

I arrived at the cave to see Tamotsu watching a still-sleeping Jake, "He...hasn't woken up...?" I asked, making sure.

Tamotsu nodded, getting up, "Are you okay?" he asked me gently.

I swallowed, "I'll...be fine..." I answered, sitting down in my corner as

Tamotsu left hesitantly.

I would leave as soon a Jake woke up, though. My Promise did not extend to letting him watch me suffer. He didn't care about me, so sneaking away wouldn't matter to him.

I would talk to him when I could pretend that I was okay. Until then, he would get the silence that he had wanted since the second he showed up.

So I sat in the corner of the cage and cried for the first time since I was five. Gods, I hated my life.

A Single Death

Pierce -

"Fine, fine!" Jake said suddenly, a harsh look in his eyes, "Just make sure the group comes quick, because I'll be in bad shape and so will the bear!" and stopped dead then he sped off the opposite way.

My eyes were wide. "IDIOT!" I screeched. I looked over at Ice, "Ice, go to the group and get your wounds bandaged, but tell them to get over here. Quick." I didn't wait for confirmation before speeding back to the cave, muttering "Idiotidiotidiotidiotidiotidiot" compulsively. I think I might have been referring to myself a little bit, but who knows. I hated that he'd taken me seriously and gone up against a real threat. Why would anyone take me seriously?!

Suddenly, I shivered, and felt an urge to run back to the group. I didn't know why, but...

I shook the instinct out of my head and ran faster toward the cave. It was just nerves, right? It was nothing, I was just hoping Jake was alright, and hoping Ice would get help soon.

When I made it to the cave, I saw Jake. He was absolutely battered, bloodied, and bruised--and very unconscious.

I also saw the bear bandaging him up, and attempting to stop the bleeding on some of the worse gashes.


I didn't say anything for a moment, just leaning up against the wall, watching as the bear took care of the sleeping lion. This could be in a story book. "You should change the bandage on his leg, it's soaked." I said quietly, looking down at them, my eyes unreadable. Jake's right leg was by far the worst...it sort of looked like the bear had stepped on it. I winced. Ouch.

The bear looked over at me, mildly surprised. "You came back?"

I smirked with no humor, "You thought I was going to leave him? With you?"

"But, you--"

"Okay, Gods, stop. Stop with the surprised 'you's, I want to talk to you without feeling completely idiotic." I sighed, looking back down at Jake and feeling guilty.

"You should get out." the bear said, looking at me solemnly, "Do you want your brain eaten?"

I glared down at him, my expression hard, but my voice light and mocking, dripping with sarcasm, "Oh, well, honestly, I've always wanted to try it. You know, at least once." I let my voice match my expression now, "I'm afraid that you don't scare me. I'm going to stay here until Jake wakes up--or at least is about to wake up." I sat down resolutely.

He looked at me oddly, "Are you insane?"

"No, I just have nothing to lose--" I found my mouth saying without my mind's consent. I do, too, have something to lose! What about Maki, moron?!

What about Maki? a small whisper in the back of my mind challenged.

Fear coursed through me, and I drew my knees up under my chin. Oh, Gods...what happened? What happened? Did something happen? I wanted to run back to the group. I wanted to see that Maki was safe and sound with Sky and her friends, but...but...

My eyes were wide and frightened, but I refused to move. I couldn't leave Jake. I promised myself since I saw him that I wouldn't let him drown in hatred and darkness, and if it were me to wake up and find that no one had come to get me...

I'd hate everyone. So, it didn't matter that Jake would be stronger than I would and would react differently--I had to stay.

No matter what...


Maki -

I smiled wider, the ever-lingering pain in my chest growing every second, looking at everyone as they chatted happily. The snow...the beautiful snow was making me worse.

I was dying.

I had been dying since the day I was born, a wolf cub set in my trembling mother's arms as she realized that she had given birth to a monster.

That I was a monster.

The doctors told her I was sickly. My heart was too weak. Infested with illness. I wouldn't live past twelve, and if I did, every day may be my last.

They told her that I'd live if she'd let them commence immediately in surgery when I turned one.

My mother had smiled, then whispered, "This child...is not mine." she had me put up for adoption immediately.

Too bad no one wanted a wolf child.

Though things had gotten better as my life went on, my sickness had gotten worse.

I had always known that I'd lose anything I ever wanted.

The sick girl who had yearned for her best friend.

The sick wolf who had wanted to see Harmony.

The sick child who had wanted a friend.

I should have known they would never last..."Find Harmony..." I whispered, then began coughing and coughing. I noticed, in horror, I was coughing up my own blood.

I was ruining the pure, white snow.

Oh, Harmony, I ruined everything...People were calling my name, but I couldn't heard them. I smiled, having been picked up by someone. But, not Pierce...I was glad he had went off to find Jake. He had to find his own happiness somewhere. He had to make his own friends..."Please...find Harmony..." I got out between coughs, "Please, please...Have patience in...Pierce...Don't let him leave the group..." I smiled, all of my senses gone, "Tell...him...I loved him...I'll m...iss...you all...Thank you..."

And, the world was gone.

RIP MAKI (Yes, she's really dead ^^;)


Yeah? I've Eaten 299 BEARS! XD

Pierce -

I stared, wide-eyed at the bear. Huh. A bear. Omigod...An idea hatched inside of my brain, trying to shift my mind from the fact that I may very well die.

I threw on my best scared face (not hard, since I'd been around so many carnivores for so long)

"238." the bear said suddenly, looking down at me.

"What?" I asked, having a feeling where this was going.

"That's how many cows I've eaten."

I tilt my head, then throw on a tiny scowl. Devilish and insane looking. It was distraction time.

I focus for a moment before making two small horns sprout from my head. Yes. Cows have horns. They're small, but they are still freaking there!!

I sighed, pulling out my dagger and pretending to sharpen my fingernails. Oh yeah. I'm so hardcore. "Typical. So...typical. Tell me, please, what on Earth made you think I was a cow? A. Cow?!" I took in a deep breath, shaking my head in false irritation, "Every time, I swear! No! No, I am not a cow!!" I pretended to try to compose myself, I pointed a finger at the very confused bear. "Do you...know who I am?"

I grinned harshly, "I." I gestured widely to myself, "am your worst nightmare, bear."

The bear growled, "You smell like a cow, idio--"

I put up my hand, signaling for him to shut up, "No! ...Look, I know what I smell like. Do you want to know why I smell like cow...?" I took the chance to signal desprately with my eyes to Ice and Jake. GET. OUT!

He opened his mouth but I cut him off, for dramatic effect, "To lure in stupid prey like you." I whispered, my eyes glinting promisingly.

"299." I stated proudly, getting down as though I was going to pounce.

"What?" the bear demanded, looking at me as though I was crazy. Yes. Yes, I was crazy. But, it might work.

"How many bears I've eaten." I willed my hair to turn white, and my eyes to become opaque. Yeah. Being a cow had some perks. I flashed my eyes to Ice and Jake one more time, this was it...

And, everything happened in a flash. To hold up my (mildly impressive) act, I, indeed, did pounce at the bear.

My suspicion was confirmed that my vegetarian teeth did not break skin...or harm anything...at all...Yes. Bright move, me. Very clever.

The bear, on the other hand, didn't find this half as amazing as I did. In fact, I think he was a little pissed off. Maybe. I dunno, really, cause at that moment, I wasn't looking.

I laughed nervously and detached myself from his arm, "Well! Whaddya know? Guess I am a cow! Hah! Geez, no one had ever told me before, and I guess I got a little cocky--RUN!" I took off, grabbing Ice by his neck and dragging him too, since he, apparently, hadn't left. Tch. No one ever listens to me.

As Ice and I ran away from the angry bear (oops), I noticed someone running beside us.

"You didn't listen to me either?! Aughhhh! Dammit!" I exclaimed at Jake, the pout that had been on my face since my 'brilliant plan' hadn't worked deepened as I realized that even the people who hated me didn't listen. Was I just easy to ignore? Or was I just hard to take seriously? It was because I was a cow, wasn't it?! Well, y'know what? I was the best cow in the freaking group!

Jake didn't respond to my exclamation, so I made only this snide comment as we continued running, "Yeesh. What, hero? Shouldn't you go on and slay the mighty bear before you flee with us inferiors?"

Today wasn't my day, I guess.


I'm sorry, if this was supposed to be serious, and if it helps, Pierce ended up pretty pissed, so he'll be serious next time if no one cheers him up. ^^;
