I...Guess I Knew It

Pierce -

"That's why you need to go back." Tamotsu told me, his voice laced with sorrow.

My horrified expression didn't change, but now the bear was staring. I was on my feet in an instant. When I spoke, my voice was broken, "I know..." I looked down, "Tamotsu...She's dead, isn't she?" I felt his renewed sadness coming off of him in waves, I saw him nod. I bit my lip, my eyes filled to the brim with unshed tears.

I knew this would happen, so i couldn't cry...I had heard this story from our orphanage so many times. Every day I would beg them to say they were lying, and every day they would turn their heads to my living nightmare.

Her mother had committed suicide after throwing an angry fit about giving birth to someone inhuman and throwing her newborn child at the owner.

They told us all not to get attached to the poor girl. That it would be easier that way, and most of us listened...save me, and my two human brothers. We became her family. We became her friends, and her support...We thought that as long as we were here, she would be fine.

But, soon, my brothers left us, in human horror at our differences. She had left, too, and I knew that, alone, she wouldn't last through so many cold days...

When I found her, she had been fine, though. Perfect and beautiful, as if her sickness was gone. For a while...I dreamed that her sickness was gone. We would never be limited by it again, and soon, I forgot that she was my first priority. I forgot that I had to protect her from everything, and...and...

"If Jake wakes up...tell him I'll be right back." I choked out, then ran from the cave, the bear and Tamotsu staring at me as I fled. I had to get out of there. I had to see...

When I got to the group, I couldn't tell who all had rushed to mourn over my almost-lover. I just knew there was a group of people and I couldn't see her. One wonderful person, though I didn't know who the hell they were, noticed my arrival, and helpfully nudged people out of my way, to reveal blindingly scarlet snow, and Kasumi, holding Maki's now limp form.

My eyes were large and glassy, and I fell to my knees beside Kasumi, I swallowed hard, trying to dispel the knot that was preventing me from speaking. Once I was capable of speaking, I got Kasumi out of her trance, "...Please..." I choked out, "Can I...hold her for a minute...?" I asked almost silently.

Kasumi handed the limp-bodied girl to me gently, nodding softly, "Thanks..." I whispered, then looked down at Maki, then nearly choking on my tears. I brushed her wavy hair out of her face, then wiped the remaining blood from her face. At least someone had closed her eyes...If I saw them lifeless...what would I do...?

"...She...She sad that she loved you..." I heard Kasumi whisper.

My eyes widened, and tears started making their way down my face. I let out an audible sob, then covered my mouth. I had been so close...In the end, she was in reach, after all. Oh, Gods...

I looked around, and saw everyone avoid my gaze...Ice was unconscious, and being bandaged, so at least he was okay...

I sighed, I...had to get back to Jake...

"You can go, if you want to." the Soricid whispered, reading my mind.

I nodded tightly, laying Maki down in the soiled snow. "Goodbye, my almost lover...Goodbye, my hopeless dream..." I whispered, then ran back to the cave. I had to be there when Jake woke up, or at least make sure he was awake...that he would wake up...I choked, remembering Maki's body one more time. I had let her die...I had failed...

I arrived at the cave to see Tamotsu watching a still-sleeping Jake, "He...hasn't woken up...?" I asked, making sure.

Tamotsu nodded, getting up, "Are you okay?" he asked me gently.

I swallowed, "I'll...be fine..." I answered, sitting down in my corner as

Tamotsu left hesitantly.

I would leave as soon a Jake woke up, though. My Promise did not extend to letting him watch me suffer. He didn't care about me, so sneaking away wouldn't matter to him.

I would talk to him when I could pretend that I was okay. Until then, he would get the silence that he had wanted since the second he showed up.

So I sat in the corner of the cage and cried for the first time since I was five. Gods, I hated my life.
