A Single Death

Pierce -

"Fine, fine!" Jake said suddenly, a harsh look in his eyes, "Just make sure the group comes quick, because I'll be in bad shape and so will the bear!" and stopped dead then he sped off the opposite way.

My eyes were wide. "IDIOT!" I screeched. I looked over at Ice, "Ice, go to the group and get your wounds bandaged, but tell them to get over here. Quick." I didn't wait for confirmation before speeding back to the cave, muttering "Idiotidiotidiotidiotidiotidiot" compulsively. I think I might have been referring to myself a little bit, but who knows. I hated that he'd taken me seriously and gone up against a real threat. Why would anyone take me seriously?!

Suddenly, I shivered, and felt an urge to run back to the group. I didn't know why, but...

I shook the instinct out of my head and ran faster toward the cave. It was just nerves, right? It was nothing, I was just hoping Jake was alright, and hoping Ice would get help soon.

When I made it to the cave, I saw Jake. He was absolutely battered, bloodied, and bruised--and very unconscious.

I also saw the bear bandaging him up, and attempting to stop the bleeding on some of the worse gashes.


I didn't say anything for a moment, just leaning up against the wall, watching as the bear took care of the sleeping lion. This could be in a story book. "You should change the bandage on his leg, it's soaked." I said quietly, looking down at them, my eyes unreadable. Jake's right leg was by far the worst...it sort of looked like the bear had stepped on it. I winced. Ouch.

The bear looked over at me, mildly surprised. "You came back?"

I smirked with no humor, "You thought I was going to leave him? With you?"

"But, you--"

"Okay, Gods, stop. Stop with the surprised 'you's, I want to talk to you without feeling completely idiotic." I sighed, looking back down at Jake and feeling guilty.

"You should get out." the bear said, looking at me solemnly, "Do you want your brain eaten?"

I glared down at him, my expression hard, but my voice light and mocking, dripping with sarcasm, "Oh, well, honestly, I've always wanted to try it. You know, at least once." I let my voice match my expression now, "I'm afraid that you don't scare me. I'm going to stay here until Jake wakes up--or at least is about to wake up." I sat down resolutely.

He looked at me oddly, "Are you insane?"

"No, I just have nothing to lose--" I found my mouth saying without my mind's consent. I do, too, have something to lose! What about Maki, moron?!

What about Maki? a small whisper in the back of my mind challenged.

Fear coursed through me, and I drew my knees up under my chin. Oh, Gods...what happened? What happened? Did something happen? I wanted to run back to the group. I wanted to see that Maki was safe and sound with Sky and her friends, but...but...

My eyes were wide and frightened, but I refused to move. I couldn't leave Jake. I promised myself since I saw him that I wouldn't let him drown in hatred and darkness, and if it were me to wake up and find that no one had come to get me...

I'd hate everyone. So, it didn't matter that Jake would be stronger than I would and would react differently--I had to stay.

No matter what...


Maki -

I smiled wider, the ever-lingering pain in my chest growing every second, looking at everyone as they chatted happily. The snow...the beautiful snow was making me worse.

I was dying.

I had been dying since the day I was born, a wolf cub set in my trembling mother's arms as she realized that she had given birth to a monster.

That I was a monster.

The doctors told her I was sickly. My heart was too weak. Infested with illness. I wouldn't live past twelve, and if I did, every day may be my last.

They told her that I'd live if she'd let them commence immediately in surgery when I turned one.

My mother had smiled, then whispered, "This child...is not mine." she had me put up for adoption immediately.

Too bad no one wanted a wolf child.

Though things had gotten better as my life went on, my sickness had gotten worse.

I had always known that I'd lose anything I ever wanted.

The sick girl who had yearned for her best friend.

The sick wolf who had wanted to see Harmony.

The sick child who had wanted a friend.

I should have known they would never last..."Find Harmony..." I whispered, then began coughing and coughing. I noticed, in horror, I was coughing up my own blood.

I was ruining the pure, white snow.

Oh, Harmony, I ruined everything...People were calling my name, but I couldn't heard them. I smiled, having been picked up by someone. But, not Pierce...I was glad he had went off to find Jake. He had to find his own happiness somewhere. He had to make his own friends..."Please...find Harmony..." I got out between coughs, "Please, please...Have patience in...Pierce...Don't let him leave the group..." I smiled, all of my senses gone, "Tell...him...I loved him...I'll m...iss...you all...Thank you..."

And, the world was gone.

RIP MAKI (Yes, she's really dead ^^;)

