Yeah? I've Eaten 299 BEARS! XD

Pierce -

I stared, wide-eyed at the bear. Huh. A bear. Omigod...An idea hatched inside of my brain, trying to shift my mind from the fact that I may very well die.

I threw on my best scared face (not hard, since I'd been around so many carnivores for so long)

"238." the bear said suddenly, looking down at me.

"What?" I asked, having a feeling where this was going.

"That's how many cows I've eaten."

I tilt my head, then throw on a tiny scowl. Devilish and insane looking. It was distraction time.

I focus for a moment before making two small horns sprout from my head. Yes. Cows have horns. They're small, but they are still freaking there!!

I sighed, pulling out my dagger and pretending to sharpen my fingernails. Oh yeah. I'm so hardcore. "Typical. So...typical. Tell me, please, what on Earth made you think I was a cow? A. Cow?!" I took in a deep breath, shaking my head in false irritation, "Every time, I swear! No! No, I am not a cow!!" I pretended to try to compose myself, I pointed a finger at the very confused bear. "Do you...know who I am?"

I grinned harshly, "I." I gestured widely to myself, "am your worst nightmare, bear."

The bear growled, "You smell like a cow, idio--"

I put up my hand, signaling for him to shut up, "No! ...Look, I know what I smell like. Do you want to know why I smell like cow...?" I took the chance to signal desprately with my eyes to Ice and Jake. GET. OUT!

He opened his mouth but I cut him off, for dramatic effect, "To lure in stupid prey like you." I whispered, my eyes glinting promisingly.

"299." I stated proudly, getting down as though I was going to pounce.

"What?" the bear demanded, looking at me as though I was crazy. Yes. Yes, I was crazy. But, it might work.

"How many bears I've eaten." I willed my hair to turn white, and my eyes to become opaque. Yeah. Being a cow had some perks. I flashed my eyes to Ice and Jake one more time, this was it...

And, everything happened in a flash. To hold up my (mildly impressive) act, I, indeed, did pounce at the bear.

My suspicion was confirmed that my vegetarian teeth did not break skin...or harm all...Yes. Bright move, me. Very clever.

The bear, on the other hand, didn't find this half as amazing as I did. In fact, I think he was a little pissed off. Maybe. I dunno, really, cause at that moment, I wasn't looking.

I laughed nervously and detached myself from his arm, "Well! Whaddya know? Guess I am a cow! Hah! Geez, no one had ever told me before, and I guess I got a little cocky--RUN!" I took off, grabbing Ice by his neck and dragging him too, since he, apparently, hadn't left. Tch. No one ever listens to me.

As Ice and I ran away from the angry bear (oops), I noticed someone running beside us.

"You didn't listen to me either?! Aughhhh! Dammit!" I exclaimed at Jake, the pout that had been on my face since my 'brilliant plan' hadn't worked deepened as I realized that even the people who hated me didn't listen. Was I just easy to ignore? Or was I just hard to take seriously? It was because I was a cow, wasn't it?! Well, y'know what? I was the best cow in the freaking group!

Jake didn't respond to my exclamation, so I made only this snide comment as we continued running, "Yeesh. What, hero? Shouldn't you go on and slay the mighty bear before you flee with us inferiors?"

Today wasn't my day, I guess.


I'm sorry, if this was supposed to be serious, and if it helps, Pierce ended up pretty pissed, so he'll be serious next time if no one cheers him up. ^^;

