
Part 1: Trying to Let Go

I seen you today,
Walking with her,
You looked at me,
and you smiled.

I heard you today,
Speaking to her,
You looked at me,
and you laughed.

I told you today,
when you were alone,
"I want to forget;
to let go."

You told me today,
when we were alone,
"I don't care,
you can go."

This was about how I had told my ex I wanted to forget, to let go, and move on. He told me I can do what ever I want, he don't care. It don't bother him what I choose.

I'm thinking about doing a story type thing, but in poetry. One poem for each part of what my heart thinks. What do you guys think?


Quit weaving all your lies
I can see the answer,
plain in your eyes.

You try, yet fail, to show a smile,
that's true to your heart,
all the while.

What I don't get, is why?
You do this, say that,
All I'm seein' is lie lie lie.
Well I have a word for you...
Good bye =D

Afraid of Happines...

Afraid to smile,
Afraid to be happy,
Because every time I am,
Everything falls apart.

I was happy before,
When I was with you,
But that happiness was too much,
It tore apart my heart.

Now happiness is no more,
Its only a shadow,
A lonely memory,
Never to depart...
