Q & A with Dawkins and Me


1) If you can change one thing about any anime of your choice, what would it be?

Give Kare Kano an ending.

2) When you read for fun, what literary genre do you prefer?

If by "fun" you mean something like "pleasure", then things blurred long ago. I honestly can read a logic textbook just for pleasure alone. Fiction has nothing on Cantor's transfinite numbers.

3) What two historical figures would you want to see go head-to-head in a cage match?

Newton and Einstein. It'd probably start as a slapfight, and end with elbow smashes and pile-drivers.

4) Who is your favorite comedian?

I don't have one. I find humor to be pre-scientific and useless.

5) If you could go back and witness any moment in history, which would it be?

To see the event where the first thinker put Christian ideas (whatever that might mean at that time) into a textual form, i.e. to see the writing of the "first draft" of the Old Testament.

6) What's your favorite pizza topping combination?

Liver and onions! No wait, good ol' ham and pineapple.

7) Hollywood today is all about remakes. What movie would you remake?

Superman. It'd be about Batman.

8) What was your favorite childhood song?

Being surrounded by metal-head older brothers, "Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden, haha.

9) What's your dream car?

I'm not a car-person, so I don't have one. But wouldn't say no to a slick Chev. Monte Carlo.

10) What would you rather have: a Gundam, Super Saiyan powers, or a TARDIS?

If I pick door 1, I'd be obliged to whine. Pass. Door 2, and I'm obliged to defend the Earth and possibly the universe itself against evil and tyranny. Door 3 offers me time travel and a sonic screwdriver! (If that's not part of the deal, then I'll pass.) I think I'll go with the Super Saiyan powers.

11) Do you sing in the shower?

Never. (I sing like a crow with a voicebox, so...)