Q & A with Dawkins and Me

twilight samurai

1. Which anime character is most similar to you? Why? (e.g. personality, interests, looks, etc.)

I have no idea, actually. Hmm, maybe if you crossed Yomiko Readman from Read or Die with The Laughing Man from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex you'd be in the ballpark, in terms of ideas, personality, and interests.

2. How old are you?

Old enough to complain about aches, pains, politics, and society in general.

3. Have you ever been to another country? Where would you like to go if you could?

Never, but I'd love to visit Japan, England, Germany, Austria, Italy, and Greece. (Well, provided something resembling Greece is still there.)

4. Would you stop eating meat for $1 million?

Right now I'd say no, but I wouldn't rule it out completely. Never thought I'd stop drinking Coke, et al., but now I never drink anything other than water, milk, coffee, tea, and iced tea.

5. What's your favorite song as of now?

That's almost impossible to answer! "Taken" by Eluvium guides me somewhere and back again every time I listen to it, though. I can't go through a week without listening to it.

6. If your favorite anime character could take you out to dinner, who would it be and where would you go?

Donuts and coffee at Tim Hortons in mid December in Canada with Asuka from NGE. What could go wrong?

7. What would it take to convince you to go sky diving with me?

Convince? I've already strapped on the parachute!

8. I'm hungry. What would you fix me to eat? :D *is very hungry*

I think I make some pretty good spaghetti.

9. How did you come to be a member of TheOtaku? How long have you been here and what's your status (Senior, Legend, etc.)?

I was searching for somewhere that accepted fan art, and I found this place back in '03 (this is my 2nd account). Uhh, what is that newest status again? Eternal, I think.

10. On a scale of 1-10, what do you think of these tags and memes?

5. I don't mind reading them, and I don't mind doing some of them. But otherwise I rarely come into contact with this sort of stuff.

11. What makes you so awesome??! 8D
