Q & A with Dawkins and Me


1. If you could punch any fictional character in the balls/babymaker, who would it be and why?

There are so many anime characters that I'd love to punch, but if I take a genealogical approach I can hit em' all at once: Astroboy, despite the fact I love the boy-robot! Sorry, but almost all characters derive from you in one way or another. It's kinda like taking out John Connor by taking out his mother and father first.

2. What is the most disappointing movie you've ever seen?

Twin Town. What a disappointment. It wasn't the worst film I've ever seen, but it certainly was a let-down.

3. Do you kick balls?

I retain my right to remain silent.

4. If you could have a really rad scar anywhere on your body, where would it be?

On my left-shoulder blade. I'd even have a line to go with it if anyone saw it: "No one who had seen this scar has lived to tell about it..."

5. Cooler Harrison Ford character: Indiana Jones or Han Solo?

Rick Deckard.

6. Would you like some pie?

Why am I suddenly thinking of bad 80's sorority films?

7. What is your quest?

To learn stuff and pass it on.

8. This guy are sick?


9. Are we terrible people for deriving so much pleasure from Trip's adorableness?

Hey, this is me answering this question - I don't really know anyone!

10. Does it annoy you when you see anime titles with excessive punctuation? (Example: Durarara!!)

Nothing is better than this: Aim for the Top! Gunbuster: "Please!! Time Enough for Love!"

11. Snarf snarf?

Pull the 'chute? Hit the eject button? Yes indeed!