Q & A with Dawkins and Me


(Me: "Diplomatic immunity!" Her: "It's been revoked!")

1. What is your favorite anime of all time?

Mars of Destruction! No wait, Neon Genesis Evangelion.

2. If you could learn any language, what would it be?

German, so I could read Nietzsche in his original language.

3. How did you find theOtaku.com? And why did you join?

I was infiltrating government websites, and then I joined theO to take it down from the inside - in the name of OUR GLORIOUS LEADER. Fan art, yo.

4. What was your favorite childhood cartoon?

Transformers! Had lots of toys, too. Wish I still had 'em.

5. What is your favorite quote? Why?

I don't have one, which might be surprising considering my admiration of Nietzsche, aka Profound Guy Who Sounds Cool in a Quote! I dislike wrenching his quotes out of context.

6. What gives you the creeps?

Worms. They're like strips or tubes of slowly crawling flesh.

7. What would your dream job be?

Kurt Godel's position at The Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton NJ: spending days in pure thought, alone.

8. (Fill in the blank) Oh, Edward Cullen how I ______ you.

...really don't know a damn thing about...

9. Which is worse, failing or never trying?

Depends on the failure, or the attempt, I think. (I enjoy making things needlessly complex!)

10. What’s something you know you do differently than most people?

I'm especially bad for this when reading blogs on relatively important issues or news articles: I like finding original texts to better understand an issue. I like to find original sources and papers that something (e.g. an article, op-ed, etc.) was based on or references. I blame Chomsky for this habit of mine.

11. Do you push the elevator button more than once?

No. If you do, it activates a secret code and you're never seen again.