Welcome to Alagaesia: The New Age!

This is a world based off of the series the Inheritance Cycle.
This is a summary of Eragon.
The chapter summaries I think you should read are: Discovery, Awakening, Tea for Two, A Rider's Blade, Revelation at Yazuac, Through a Dragon's eye, Vision of Perfection, and The Glory of Tronjheim.

Brom once said that we don't know how many dragons survived Galbatorix's slaughter of dragons. We also don't know how many dragon eggs are left. There were the three Galbatrix had but what if there were other eggs that were hidden and escaped the slaughter?

You can be with the Empire or the Varden.

In this world you make a character, and they find a dragon egg. Join in the adventure by filling out this form and pming me:

Dragon Rider


1. Stick with the story
2. No Mary-sue or Gary-sues (No perfect people!)
3. No swearing
4. Please keep posting, If you stop posting for more than a month without telling us before hand that you won't be able to post you will receive a notice,and if you continue you'll lose you guest poster status
5. You can only have 1 rider/dragon. You can have 2 other characters but they can't be a rider, and one Werecat
6. Have fun!
7. Follow the rules

Members so far, ranks, and points:

Hatchling (0-49)
Apprentice (50-149)
Dragon Rider (150-249) (get your sword at this stage)
Elder (250-299)
Ebrithil (300-400)
(I'll change it if anyone gets a good way past Ebrithil)

You get points by:
Helping me (Ask me if you want to)
Doing tasks
Getting others to join (Tell me if you do so)
Drawing any of your characters

Amestar(Leader): Elva and Amestar, Vanessa, Rex, Jenoviel
YokoCookieChan(Co-leader): Ari Kunin, Faye Reed and Reath,Fang Tsuo and Seth, Onr Dauthleikr Freohr (Onyx Freih): Apprentice-75
littlepooch(Co-leader): Ray and Rain, Picture of Rain: Apprentice-60
tigerlilly54: Yora Kyouto, Tsuyo Tero: Hatchling-0
XxRaindropsxX: Kia and Ruby: Apprentice-55
MoonsMedly: Aiden and Sasha, Anya, Rue: Hatchling-10
harplayer :Namid and Hesiod: Hatchling-45
Shadowfiend: Azof and Blagos, Garzal,Sunday: Hatchling-40
inufluffy12: Kylina and Crystalia: Hatchling-5
RedStars:Vincent and Eternal Blaze,image of Vicent and Blaze : Hatchling-35
tutcat (Summarizer): Saphire: Hatchling-45
HanakoAnimeaddict: Keiko: Hatchling-30
stinamuffin (Co-leader): Avariella and Leviathan: Hatchling-45
Variance:Taize Gala and Mito: Hatchling-15
Alazne Chan: Kairiena and Gin no yami : Hatchling-20
ashio: Zarine(Zarine's past): Hatchling-25
CDCDCD89: Akkar and Evarínya: Hatchling-40


Tasks are for gaining more points, but are not required.

Writers: Write how and who'd your character be if they came to our time period
Drawers: Draw your character(s) in modern day clothes

Deadline: whenever I get a different idea

Helpful things!

The Story so Far by tutcat (beginning by littlepooch) Thanks so much tutcat!

Our wallpaper and matching border was made by Alazne Chan!! Thank you!

Here is a site for descriptions about species!

Here is a spellbook! (For magic and talking to Elves)

Here is the Dwarven language!

Dwarf Clans!

Elf Houses!

Here is a map of Alagaesia

Just to let you know, the Varden are in the Beor Mountains, not Surda.


"I can't just leave you hear by yourself! There are too many of them," She called. I sighed.

"Don't be stupid. We could use your friends help," I stated.

"I am not leaving you here!" she said defiantly. "If something were to happen..." she continued."Too bad we couldn't just send Ruby to go get her." she mumbled. I nodded.

"Give up the rock!" the men yelled.

"Never!" I smiled. Reath walked out from behing me and growled. An arrow went wizzing towards him and he squeled. I didn't have time to think. I stepped infront of him. The arrow hit my leg and I smiled sullenly,falling to the ground.

~Ari's POV~

I was searching areas near the forest today. I heard a dragon sqeul and an arrow. I quickly followed the sound. There was Kia and some other kid. There were being attacked by the villagers.

"I told you to stay put" I growled and unsheathed my sword. I didn't want to hurt the men but I would if I have to.


"It's him! The guy with the rock those men want!" some guy yelled and other villagers soon followed. Faye grabbed his knife from his pocket and Reath hid behind him.

"Take Ruby and go!" he called to me. "The town is up ahead! Take Ruby and find your friend!" he continued, bracing himself as the men got closer. "I can hold them back until you find your friend!"

I hesitated. "I can't just leave you hear by yourself! There are too many of them, I grabbed my own pocket knife and stood beside Faye, Ruby at my side.

"Don't be stupid. We could use your friends help," he told me.

"I am not leaving you here!" I said defiantly. "If something were to happen..." I trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. "Too bad we couldn't just send Ruby to go get her."


I laughed watching the two dragons playing together. I heard footsteps and looked around. Someone from the village popped their heads out.

"It's him! The guy with the rock those men want!" He yelled and other villagers soon followed. I grabbed my knife from my pocket and Reath hid behind me.

"Take Ruby and go!" I called to Kia." the town is up ahead! Take Ruby and find your friend!" I continued, bracing myself as the men got closer. "I can hold them back until you find your friend!"

~Faye Reed

Someone new

I heard someone approaching and I got up and put myself in front of Ruby protectively.

A tall brown haired young man was staring down at me, a black and silver dragon in his arms. "Hello, I'm Faye" he smiled at me, "And this is Reath." He set his dragon down on the forest floor. Ruby and Reath slowly walked towards each other and soon they were running around together.

I laughed, "I'm Kia, and that's Ruby." I felt a little self-conscious. I had never talked to a boy my own age before, and it didn't help that my face was so messed up either.

He smiled down at me, "So, what are you doing out here?"

"Well, I'm sort of lost," I rubbed the back of my head. "I'm trying to find my way back to the cave, and I can't seem to get anywhere. I'm waiting for a friend and hoping that she will come find me."

I plopped down onto my butt and leaned up against the tree; Faye sat next to me and we watched our dragons play together.


I was staring at the interesting rock I had found in that old cave. It was beautiful! It was silver with black veins. I hadn't put this in the shop, I was keeping it. It seemed to amaze me. Sometimes I would just sit here and talk to it. I had even named it! It's name was Reath. I was startled when I heard cracking sounds. I looked around, then finally realized it was the rock. I saw a thin crack in its surface,wait, it wasn't a rock at all! It was an egg, but what would lay this kind of egg..... Something started breaking the egg. Before I knew there was a baby dragon sitting in front of me. It was a shining black color with an almost glowing silver belly. It was amazing! I reached my hand out to touch it. I quickly retracted my hand because as soon as I touched it, my hand burned. I looked at my hand. There was a silver-ish mark left on it. I sighed. Somehow I was very tempted to touch it again, like a little kid tempted to touch the stove after their mom warns them its hot. I slowly went to pet its head. This time it didn't burn but it felt warm. I smiled lightly. I pet its head. Suddenly an image flashed through my head. It was an old tree with a hollow base. I'd seen this tree before on my trips to look for things. I smiled. It would be a perfect place to take Reath. It was in an area close to the forest so not many people go there. I picked Reath up and headed there. The dragon was so amazing! As I arrived at the tree there was someone there, looking straight at me. I clutched Reath close to my chest. Then I noticed she had a dragon too.

"Hello, I'm Faye" I smiled at her, still clutching Reath.

~Faye Reed