Leader of the Varden!

Name: Vanessa Lea
Nickname(s): N/A
Species: Human
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Looks: Pale, slightly taller than average people, skinny
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red hair, medium length, wears a red ribbon in it
Clothes: Usually wears a dress
Personality: She's very kind and sweet. She tries to make everyone in the Varden happy. She's polite and tries to consider all options.
Description: Polite, Caring, Smart, Mature, Sensitive
Position: (Leader of the Varden
Mate: If any guy was interested
Likes: Her red ribbon, swords, and strategies
Dislikes: The Empire, dragon slayers, and when the Varden fights with itself
Past: sed to be an apprentice to become a smith, until she was chosen to become the Varden's new leader, also an expert at archery
Fights with: Bow, magic and sword when needed
With: Varden
Fun facts?: N/A
