Welcome to Alagaesia: The New Age!

This is a world based off of the series the Inheritance Cycle.
This is a summary of Eragon.
The chapter summaries I think you should read are: Discovery, Awakening, Tea for Two, A Rider's Blade, Revelation at Yazuac, Through a Dragon's eye, Vision of Perfection, and The Glory of Tronjheim.

Brom once said that we don't know how many dragons survived Galbatorix's slaughter of dragons. We also don't know how many dragon eggs are left. There were the three Galbatrix had but what if there were other eggs that were hidden and escaped the slaughter?

You can be with the Empire or the Varden.

In this world you make a character, and they find a dragon egg. Join in the adventure by filling out this form and pming me:

Dragon Rider


1. Stick with the story
2. No Mary-sue or Gary-sues (No perfect people!)
3. No swearing
4. Please keep posting, If you stop posting for more than a month without telling us before hand that you won't be able to post you will receive a notice,and if you continue you'll lose you guest poster status
5. You can only have 1 rider/dragon. You can have 2 other characters but they can't be a rider, and one Werecat
6. Have fun!
7. Follow the rules

Members so far, ranks, and points:

Hatchling (0-49)
Apprentice (50-149)
Dragon Rider (150-249) (get your sword at this stage)
Elder (250-299)
Ebrithil (300-400)
(I'll change it if anyone gets a good way past Ebrithil)

You get points by:
Helping me (Ask me if you want to)
Doing tasks
Getting others to join (Tell me if you do so)
Drawing any of your characters

Amestar(Leader): Elva and Amestar, Vanessa, Rex, Jenoviel
YokoCookieChan(Co-leader): Ari Kunin, Faye Reed and Reath,Fang Tsuo and Seth, Onr Dauthleikr Freohr (Onyx Freih): Apprentice-75
littlepooch(Co-leader): Ray and Rain, Picture of Rain: Apprentice-60
tigerlilly54: Yora Kyouto, Tsuyo Tero: Hatchling-0
XxRaindropsxX: Kia and Ruby: Apprentice-55
MoonsMedly: Aiden and Sasha, Anya, Rue: Hatchling-10
harplayer :Namid and Hesiod: Hatchling-45
Shadowfiend: Azof and Blagos, Garzal,Sunday: Hatchling-40
inufluffy12: Kylina and Crystalia: Hatchling-5
RedStars:Vincent and Eternal Blaze,image of Vicent and Blaze : Hatchling-35
tutcat (Summarizer): Saphire: Hatchling-45
HanakoAnimeaddict: Keiko: Hatchling-30
stinamuffin (Co-leader): Avariella and Leviathan: Hatchling-45
Variance:Taize Gala and Mito: Hatchling-15
Alazne Chan: Kairiena and Gin no yami : Hatchling-20
ashio: Zarine(Zarine's past): Hatchling-25
CDCDCD89: Akkar and Evarínya: Hatchling-40


Tasks are for gaining more points, but are not required.

Writers: Write how and who'd your character be if they came to our time period
Drawers: Draw your character(s) in modern day clothes

Deadline: whenever I get a different idea

Helpful things!

The Story so Far by tutcat (beginning by littlepooch) Thanks so much tutcat!

Our wallpaper and matching border was made by Alazne Chan!! Thank you!

Here is a site for descriptions about species!

Here is a spellbook! (For magic and talking to Elves)

Here is the Dwarven language!

Dwarf Clans!

Elf Houses!

Here is a map of Alagaesia

Just to let you know, the Varden are in the Beor Mountains, not Surda.

Spell casters

The spell casters surrounded me and I sighed. "You can attack me, curse me, and make me take oaths you want. I warn you though, my brother has a ward around me. The moment I or someone uses magic on me he will be alerted I am no longer where I shoul- used to be. I was going to wait until I was away from the Varden base to use any sort of magic." I said calmly. Akane started whining loudly in my head complaining the Varden were making angry. I sighed. I dropped all my weapons I carried on the floor. "I have intentions to fight you, so go ahead and use your magic. I all I want to do is kill that godforsaken bastard of a brother I have." I sighed and sat down, closing my blind eyes, waiting to see if the spell casters would risk Fang finding where the Varden was or if we were going for a walk.



The pillow was soft against my face. I had been in bed for a bit and I couldn't fall asleep. I had so much excitement today... Just as I was falling asleep I heard people running around. Then I heard a urgent banging on my door. "Lady Vanessa!," my guard cried, "come out here please!"

"I'll be out in a minute," I called, rubbing my eyes. I got a rob on and I opened my door. I followed the guard, "What's going on?"

"Elva and Azof have just arrived!" he said.

"Good," I said.

"But there's a problem," he said.

"Oh?" I asked.

"A girl named Onyx came with them. When one of your spell casters probed her, she found out Onyx is the Emperor's sister," the guard said.

"I see," I said, wondering how to deal with her. We finally got to the probing chamber, and I saw Elva, Azof, my spell caster, and Onyx.

"Untar!" the guard came rushing up to me.

"Yes, my lady," he said.

"Get a half dozen of my spell casters," I ordered.

"Yes my lady," he left.

"Afita!" I said.

"Yes, my lady," the spell caster said.

"Guard her," I ordered, "Elva, Azof come with me."

They followed me out the door.

"Yes my lady," they said.

"Azof, stand by this door," I ordered.

"Yes my lady," he bowed his head.

"Elva," I whispered, "what do you think we should do?"

"She could prove to be quite useful," Elva whispered.

"How so?" I asked. So Elva told me about the Urgal troop. "I see," I said. The other spell casters came by. "Surround her," I told them. Azof let them into the room.

"My lady," Elva said, "Onyx did say she new Azof from trading."

"Really?" I asked.

"I think," she said.

Just then Untar came up, "My lady," he said.

"Go and get Jenoviel," I ordered.

"Yes my lady," he left again.

"Elva," I said, "what do you think we should do?"

"We could force her to take an oath in the Ancient Language," she said.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," I said, "her brother might have a ward around her." I headed toward Azof, he stepped aside, and I opened the door, and saw Onyx, surrounded by the spell casters.

The Varden

The next few days passed without much event. Mostly just me hiding from Elva, she was watching me like a hawk. We soon arrived at the Varden. We were greeted by a few people. One walked towards me and I could tell by instinct that he was looking at me.

"Your blind, you wouldn't be much help in a battle and we can't even trust you." he said. It was a simple fact to him but I am determined to prove him wrong.

"I have beaten many of the empire's guards and have battled on equal with his most trusted human guards despite my blindness. I can handle myself quite well without your help, I only wish to be of help to defeat bro-" I stopped myself myself in mid-sentence, "the emperor." I finished. If they found out I was the emperor's sister they'd never let me in, besides, I gave up my title as princess the moment I joined Azof and Elva on their journey.

"Fine, but we must still probe your mind" he answered. I nodded and let my mental guard down around all but my old title and family. I felt the pain of someone probing into my mind.

"ALL of your defenses!" he yelled at me. I sighed and let down my last chance. I heard him gasp. He knew it.

You're....you're! he started mentally

You've got a problem with it butthead? I heard her sneer.

Stay out of this Akane! I whined. The man seemed even more surprised at the second voice in my head.

"Get lady Vanessa!" He called, "Hurry!" The other men obediently obeyed and with in minutes a very honorable presence entered the room. The leader of the Varden was here.



I didn't like this Onyx. She didn't act like most other humans. The dragon flew past my face. I looked where it's tail was pointing and I saw an Urgal troop. Azof went close to Onyx. Then the Urgals left. When I got to the human I was angry and frustrated. "Keep up with us," I said. After Azof got back and I told him what happened we left. Since Humans aren't as fast as Elves, we had to go slower for Onyx. We also had to stop that day too.

The dragon was flying over the campfire when Onyx asked, "What's it's name?"
"I don't know!" I snapped.

Then I probed the dragon's conscience.
You need a name
A feeling of confusion came from the dragon
A name, like mine's Elva
Yes, that's my name
Your prettier than any amethyst I've ever seen

A feeling of happiness came from the dragon.
And your shining like a star
More happiness from the dragon.
How about Amethyststar?
Your right...Amestar?

A feeling of happiness came from the dragon again: Nice name for girl

"Her name is Amestar," I told Onyx.
"Oh," she said.
"Stay here with Azof," I told her.
"Fine," she said, gazing at the fire.

I went into my bags and found a mirror. I took it and went away from the came.
"Draumr kópa," I said. I looked back at the camp and saw Amestar coming toward me. When Lady Vanessa's face was on the mirror, Amestar had reached me.

"Greetings Lady Vanessa," I said respectfully.
"Greetings," Lady Vanessa said. Amestar moved around. "What was that?" the leader of the Varden asked. I explained everything about Amestar.
"I see," Lady Vanessa said.
"It will be a bit longer until we get back," I said, "there is a girl that met up with us. She knows Azof, but she acts differently than most humans."
"How so?" Lady Vanessa asked.
"I don't know. Her name is Onyx." I said.
"I've heard that name," Lady Vanessa said, "I don't remember where, but you NEED to keep an eye on her."
"Yes my lady."
"Good," she said.

I went back to camp, had supper then we went to bed. The next day was a bit less rockier than the on before, since we left the Hadarac Desert.

The group is getting closer to the Varden!!



"YAY!" I cheered. I'd finally get away from my brother."I promise not to be a burden." I continued walking with them. I sensed a medium sized boulder a few feet ahead. It's probably one of the ones I had my brother put up so I could tell where I was. I quickly ran up to it, Elva chasing me trying to figure out what I was doing, a small dragon following her. I chose to ignore it. I ran up to the rock and started to trace my fingers over it. Yep, the code was there. We were in the Hadarac desert, two days from Beor Mountains and a day from Surda. Judging by the heat it was noon.....the Urgals patrol! They should be here any second...

"Urgals are coming!" I quickly said and I heard their heavy feet on the ground, plodding towards us. I grabbed my sword from its holster and headed towards the patrol. It felt like Elva was boring a hole in my back. I was now face to face with the urgals, I knew because I could feel their fowl breath on my face.

"I, Onyx Frieh, command you to leave your patrol here and help patrol 6. My guards shall patrol this area." They seemed a bit surprised, but they nodded and walked away. As soon as they were out of my range I turned around. Elva's presence was filled with anger. She seemed like she was about to kill me.

"Mind control." I shrugged and walked next to Azof trying to ignore the feeling that Elva was glaring at me with suspicion.
