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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: OPEN
Commissions: OPEN

Fun wow

Yea so today kind of seemed like anormal day except That Juan was being a complete Jerk to Dandy today. Come on i mean swiping the kids adgenda through soup that he acidently spilled on the table because he made a stupid comment. The kids only in 9th grade for crying out loud. Dandy whacked him hard up side the head for doing that though but i still don't think that's very fair. Damaging an adgenda over nothing i would have frickin' knocked his lights out if he did that with any of my stuff. I don't know what's gotten into him. He seems to not like hanging out with us that much since he started playing Resident evil 4. I'm getting worried about that. Anyways different topic now. it was or second day of tryouts to day and i was doing really well with all the pop flys that we were given to day. Even the assastant coach coach Frang complemented me on how good i was doing. I'm saying this now i do not suck up to people. The only thing that i didn't do very well at today was batting. Of course i'm left handed so i've decided to always go last into the batting cage. I got in there at the time we were supposed to leave so Mr. Frenz our varsity head coach was rapid fireing the balls at me i was barly standing most of the time. That was to only down side today. But on the up side i have noclue what i'm doing chemistry... haha where's Ryuu (my oc) when you need him right? I got my math done ...well most of it we get to work on it in class tomorrow. And people need to start frickin' posting on the arena and Shinigami Academy so i have something to do. Not like i have to type my stories or anything or that our final out line for our 10-12 page aper is due on thrusday. lol well ttfn. tatafornow.
