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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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Pep assembly

SO we had a pepassembly today because of our winter ball this weekend and you know they whole cherrleaders doing there routine and you really don't care because you just want to go home. Well they did there routine then threw there pompoms into the crowd. Someone threw a pompom up at my group at the top of the bleachers and to avoid getting the pompom to the face like an idiot i caught the thing i didn't know what to do with it but before Kali could tell me to get rid of it i was drug down to the floor and had to do the routine with the cheerleaders and a lot of other people who weren't paying attention when they did the cheer. I have now offically proved to my self that i will never be a cheerleader and that i will avoid catching a pompom at all costs. Because you get to have your friends laugh at you as you screw up. But on the fun part before the assembly my firend Searria and i sat at the top of the bleachers and for the hell of it we decided to play a prank on her ex-boyfriend. when he came into the gym and came up the steps we held hands. It was the funniest thing i've ever seen my firend tom do with his face. That made my day.
Well ttyl
