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crystal fantasia(joint account [live]) | quiet contractor (3rd account) | -*Stories*- | Elemental Academy | Change | Speechless | Expectations | Hidden University

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Death Note

So my dad told me to go to the store to return the bottles and cans (Sticky job) and then get some of the groceries that he forgot. I drug my little sister along with me because we hadn't left the house all day and i already finished the picture i was working on so i had nothing to do. Anyways we went to Wallie World and returned the cans and bottles. We got the things that my dad forgot then i grabbed a 72 pack of color penciles because i keep complaining that i'm running low on black and peach. Gee i wounder why??? lol. THen My sister asked if we could go to the electronics section so she could look for a movie she wanted. I looked around and found both dvds of the real version of Death Note so i bought them too. I'm so happy that i got them. Now because i know my friends are going to read this they are going to be jealous because a certain one of my friends has been looking for the dvds for a while now. lol that's all i got i'll talk to you later i'm going to go and make some e-cards or something along that line.
