Hey, fellow Anime/Manga lovers! It's TheDarkAngel here! AKA Yosei! WooT!

So, here's my World Page designed especially for me. For those of you who aren't familiar with me, I'm an aspiring Manga-ka (at least in my own mind) and I enjoy many things in life, including, but not limited to: sword-fights, squirrels, lingual jokes, shiny rocks, and strawberries.

Also, I was born in Texas, but raised in Montana. No, I don't ride horses, or boil water over a campfire to heat it, and as a matter of fact, I hate Westerns! I don't have an accent (y'all) and I don't wear a ten-gallon cowboy hat with chaps. I'm a normal, everyday average citizen of America... who wishes he were somewhere else. XD I'm also agnostic, so don't come preaching to me about anything, okies? And, I won't throw you down a well, okies? Yay! Friends!!!

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"You have to be realistic about terrorism. Certain groups of people, certain groups, Muslim fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, Jewish fundamentalists, and just plain guys from Montana, are going to continue to make life in this country very interesting for a long, long time."

~George Carlin

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Or, check out our DeviantArt page [Shiro-Jinja] that Angelo (Fai no Tenshi) and I share!

Well, hope you enjoy your visit and sayonara for now! ^_^

~Yosei (TheDarkAngel)

My current obsession:

testing sig:
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Omigawd, why is life spiraling away all of a sudden?!

I can't take it anymore!!! D:

I have to write two papers this week, one due Thursday, the other is due Friday. I have to spend time tomorrow finding 8 more art pieces around campus to write about for Thursday, which will take SO MUCH DAMN TIME. And, my Japanese teacher just piled on MORE homework on top of what we already had! TT^TT

Then, I found out my neighbor's in the hospital, so we're taking care of their dogs for them- apparently, I'm better at it than the sister, so it falls mostly on my shoulders.

Also, my boyfriend is having one of his infamous bi-annual sinus infections, so that has me worried as well. He's sick and sore and not feeling well and looks god awful! D:

On top of all THAT, I found out today that last Thursday, one of my favorite High-school friends collapsed and had a stroke! She's just 17!!! She's in Seattle right now having Brain Surgery and I dunno how anything is going or what's gonna happen and I'm having a mini-panic attack over that!

AND THEN! I still have to do my japanese tonight, but the teacher didn't give us a topic this weekend for the sakubun, so she expects us to do it tonight and I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN!!! And, we're learning honorifics which is horrifyingly difficult for me and and and... WAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!


I swear, I'm gonna get an astigmatism again, or break out in hives again or suffer from another kidney stone if this keeps happening... God, I don't want that... Oh, how I miss sleep... so bad... soooo bad...

I hate you, college. You can suck a bag of d***s and drink bleach and jump in a fire! D<


I'm taking Commissions

For now, they're on my dA: Shiro-Jinja (Don't forget to watch, love, friend me~! I friend all my Otaku buds~!)

Hey, guys! Wanna help out a college student? ^_^ I'm opening up sketch commissions! First come, first serve! I really wanna save up for books for next semester.
10 slots open NOW!

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Chibi Sketches: $1
Bust Sketches: $2
Waist and Up Sketches: $3
Full Body Sketches: $5

Pay via Paypal (I'll provide my account name to you once we finalize what you'd like me to sketch)
I will not post your sketch up until I've received payment.

Thanks for reading, guys~!

Happy Belated Valentine's Day~ :D

Lolz, it's long over-due, but happy Valentine's Day! And, for those singles out there, don't worry. You'll meet someone special someday. Just keep looking. ;3

Let's see...

Tuesday was the day the b/f and I decided to have our Valentine's Day dinner. Monday would've been too busy and he had to be at school late on Wednesday.
Anyhoo, he surprised me by taking me out to The Mustard Seed for dinner- our favorite restaurant. :3 I had the almond chicken because I LOVE ALMOND CHICKEN! He also got me some chocolate. :D They're goooooooood~!

Well, nothing too special's been going on. Have a three-day weekend coming up, can't wait. Also, been snowing like a mo'fo' the last couple nights and NO ONE knows how to drive in it. TT^TT A semi cut me off on the icy highway and then someone else tried to change lanes while I was in their blind-spot and they KNEW I was there because they were passing ME... I was like, wtf?

And... roads are still made of crap. Bad year for potholes with all the melting and refreezing of ice on the roads. Temperatures have been juuuust right for that. Ugh...

Well, that's about it, I suppose.

OH! OH! OHHHH!!!! I have to share this~! :D My boyfriend made me a cheesecake~! It was in a heart-shaped dish and topped with chocolate-dipped strawberries~! Here's a pic~! :D And... omigawd, it's DELICIOUS!!! *drools*

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Okay, I guess THAT'S it. ^_^
G'night, guys! Thanks for reading~!


Well, that didn't go according to plan...

Yosei's having a bad Valentine's Day. :(

Friday, went to the b/f's house after school, as per usual, and hung out. Didn't do much, though... :/

Saturday, had to leave for the grandparent's house. My grandma had knee surgery on Wednesday and came home from the hospital that day. My mom's staying up there most of this week to help take care of her and grandpa until she's doing better. But, we got up there the other day and she's already doing really well! She had her knee COMPLETELY replaced, and the doctors said they wished they had more patients like her. She was up and walking the very next day.

Anyhoo, stayed the night there on Saturday night, but the WIND that blew through was just AWFUL. Made the house rattle and noisy, so I didn't sleep well at all. The next day was my other grandmother's birthday, so we went out to her house to have lunch and visit. That went alright. I loved the ham. :3

Anyway, got home last night around 5pm and realized I still had upwards of 5 hours of homework to complete, since I didn't get any of the emails the teachers sent until last night. There's no internet where my grandparents live, yeah? Ugh...

Then, I had TWO quizzes to study for today. I think I BOMBED my math quiz, mostly because I forgot my calculator here at home and my phone's calculator doesn't work with exponents. =_= So... guess I'll find out on Wednesday.
Also had a quiz in Japanese over some new vocab RIGHT AFTER A FUCKING EXAM!
Which I also failed.

I almost cried. In class. TT^TT
But, after class, I went to visit the teacher and ask her about how I could improve and not drag the class average down. XD She was so happy to see me and now we're going to meet twice a week for her to help me with learning. My actual problem isn't that I can't learn the language, it's that I have a hard time APPLYING it, like to tests and stuff. According to her, there's a few students who are struggling, so I'm not alone there. But, I'm brave enough to come ask for help and that made her smile. :3 I love it when teachers love their jobs. XDDD

Ugh, but that was the only highlight of the day. The rest of it was pretty meager... the b/f seems to be in a foul mood and I feel like it's my fault. TT^TT He says at least once a week that we don't hang out enough anymore. Well... that's because during the break, we hung out almost everyday. Now, our school schedules and homework loads mean we have priorities that need to be handled before we can hang out. On top of that, my family needed me this weekend. Then, he said, "You have less credits this semester, shouldn't you have more free time?" And, I had to answer, "No, I have the same amount of credits and just because the classes are easier, doesn't mean I have less work. As a matter of fact, I have MORE work! Especially with Japanese!"

And, he's kind of making me feel like it's my fault, like me wanting to do my homework is a bad thing and like it's taking away from him. Well, I NEED to do my homework! If I have time, I'll give it to him. I'm sorry I'm not the kind of guy who sneaks into a janitor's closet and "has fun". But, he's taking extra credits this semester and extra classes! He's there for TWELVE HOURS on Wednesdays, but that's HIS fault, not mine. I'm getting tired of him always saying, "I don't wanna be here in classes. I wanna go home." when HE signed up for the classes!

Anyway, we'd planned to go out for our Valentine's Day dinner a night later, tomorrow (Tuesday), to avoid the rush. So, I mentioned to him today that I was gonna do all my homework for tomorrow and Wednesday so I'd have Tuesday night free with him. But, then, he kinda got into this... mood. I don't know if he feels guilty about wanting to hang out and that that's making me have to do my homework like this... or, what. But, it's only making me feel guiltier. I mean, I'd do this homework tonight anyway, I don't see why he should feel bad. I WANT to hang out with him. >.<

Just before Japanese class, I was studying for the vocab quiz and he joins me and was like, "Oh, if you're doing your homework, maybe I'll just go away." and I said, "Well, I can chat and do vocab at the same time. It's not too hard."
But, instead, he decided he had to leave me alone to study and sat down to read a book. *sigh* I hate that... He doesn't do it on purpose, but it makes me feel guilty when he starts to act all put-out like that... I know he wants to be close, I do too. But...

GAH! It's SO confusing!!!


Well... gonna go do my other homework, then...
Hope your guys' Valentine's Day is going better than mine.


Tagged and news

Well, I'm gonna go up to the grandparent's tomorrow for the weekend. I'll be back Sunday. Had my Japanese test today. We'll see how I did on Monday... XDDD Gonna celebrate Valentine's Day with the b/f probably on Tuesday. If we're unab...

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