Happy Belated Valentine's Day~ :D

Lolz, it's long over-due, but happy Valentine's Day! And, for those singles out there, don't worry. You'll meet someone special someday. Just keep looking. ;3

Let's see...

Tuesday was the day the b/f and I decided to have our Valentine's Day dinner. Monday would've been too busy and he had to be at school late on Wednesday.
Anyhoo, he surprised me by taking me out to The Mustard Seed for dinner- our favorite restaurant. :3 I had the almond chicken because I LOVE ALMOND CHICKEN! He also got me some chocolate. :D They're goooooooood~!

Well, nothing too special's been going on. Have a three-day weekend coming up, can't wait. Also, been snowing like a mo'fo' the last couple nights and NO ONE knows how to drive in it. TT^TT A semi cut me off on the icy highway and then someone else tried to change lanes while I was in their blind-spot and they KNEW I was there because they were passing ME... I was like, wtf?

And... roads are still made of crap. Bad year for potholes with all the melting and refreezing of ice on the roads. Temperatures have been juuuust right for that. Ugh...

Well, that's about it, I suppose.

OH! OH! OHHHH!!!! I have to share this~! :D My boyfriend made me a cheesecake~! It was in a heart-shaped dish and topped with chocolate-dipped strawberries~! Here's a pic~! :D And... omigawd, it's DELICIOUS!!! *drools*

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Okay, I guess THAT'S it. ^_^
G'night, guys! Thanks for reading~!

