The Shark House - Case Files - Nasu Hijiri

The Shark House Case File 2

Name: Nasu Hijiri
Known as: Warhammer
Age: 23
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation History: Family Convenience Store Clerk, Geisha, Hotel Assistant at Spring Rain Inn, Pro Gamer.
Debt Owed to Shark House: $35,000
Skills: Car Mechanics, Trained in Traditional Japanese Arts as well as being a fully qualified Geisha, can also easily lift 50KG, Pro Gamer, A-Cup.
Highway Rank: Emperor Rank (Unlimited freedom of the Highways)
Notes: Nasu's recent entry into Shark House was as a result of losing her place on the Savage Hammer team.

"She's so disciplined in her duties with her family, that she really struggles to make friends" - Haruna Yamato, Bayside Tours

"Me and Sylvie really love her, everything about her screams pure Japanese beauty" - Emily Mifune, Spring Rain Inn

"She would've benefited from coming clean to begin with rather than pull a Mulan but she was willing to sacrifice her pride to beg us to join our team, we've had plenty of females join us socially and Zoe is certainly a regular on our night outs but not as part of our team but as guests, the others are pretty split so the Montfort event will give us an idea on what type of person she is, great gamer or not, she needs to fit the mold on a social level" - Blood Raven
