The Shark House - Chapter 41 - Lazeld

The moment had finally arrived, Razzmatazz vs Firestorm, two former friends who fell out over the death of their master, each blaming the other for treason, as the two setup the VR for Smash Zone, Dawn's daughter May dropped by to wish her mother luck before leaving, Razzmatazz's cocky grin suddenly became more serious.
The two logged in and met in the arena, Dawn taking on her gold form near instant expecting a tough battle, while the results of Razzmatazz's training was evident from his new muscular build.
"Why the quiet? You're usually boasting buckets of shit by now" Dawn wasn't impressed, she drew her Gold sword and prepared to attack.
"That little girl is Lazeld's daughter isn't it?" Razzmatazz asked.
Dawn lowered her sword.
"That's why you didn't show at the tournament, you were pregnant" Razzmatazz spoke in a softer tone.
Dawn walked quietly up to Razzmatazz, an angry tear rolled down her cheek and she slaps him hard in the face.
"Don't you dare! Don't you dare suddenly look down on me just because I have Lazeld's child! You don't get the moral high ground here" Dawn was pissed, okay that's nothing unusual from her but this time it felt personal.
"Lazeld still found time to battle you, even though each battle was wrecking his heart more and more, he was the only person on the planet who gave a shit about you! God knows me or the rest of the team couldn't care less if you failed and get dumped back into Shark House" Dawn struck Razzmatazz with her large sword launching him into the arena wall.
"And what about proving yourself to Popuri? Don't go wasting Bayside's time by acting like a pussy because you don't want to hurt me" Dawn was preparing her next attack only for her to have to knock back an energy blast, Dawn had little time to react as Razz shattered her sword with one punch and she then took a hard punch to the face, barely staying on her feet.
"No one respected Lazeld more than I did, but he sacrificed so much for you, he saved your eye sight, he gave you a child, and I suspect you were probably going to marry, when we needed you the most, you didn't show, even if you couldn't battle, just showing up proved that you even cared for Romanum, but you never did, call me out all you like for being a prick but you abandoned us, you'll always be a filthy traitor!" Razz's eyes glowed purple as he powered up with dark energy, Dawn's eyes turned yellow and powers up with a gold aura.
"We'll see who is right!" They both declared as they begin the real battle.
