Okay! So Tsumi finally finished her school year!!! YAY!!! Summer now awaits me to make the best of it! I went to my really close friend, Shidora's, baseball game yesterday. It was fun, because I've never been to one of those. She did GREAT!! Especially when she would catch the ball. She tagged out so many players, it was AWESOME! I'm tempted to ask her to teach me how to play. I'm good at pitching and catching, but I suck at batting. lol! Also, I was talking to Kuro again. YAY! Me and him haven't talked for quite some time, so hopefully we get the chance to soon. I HOPE. I'm angry with a "friend" of mine, because...well, as circumstance would have it, she told ANOTHER lie about me. To her COUSIN, my FRIEND!!! HER COUSIN!!! I'm friends with her cousin, and we were on the phone, and she asked why I had been grounded. So I explained that I had bad grades before. She said, "Okay, because I kept cousin must be lying to me, it just doesn't sound like something Tsumi would do." and so I asked what she meant. Well, my liarface "friend" who lied to her cousin said that I had been grounded because my parents had caught me dating a guy and sleeping with him. So Syl said, "When she told me that, I couldn't actually believe her. I know you, and you wouldn't do that! You're better than that. That's something SHE might do, but never you." so I told her not to listen to her cousin anymore because she was a liar. We talked for HOURS ON END. It was so fun! She'll be coming out to visit again this summer. I'm excited! Oh, Tsumi has been drawing a lot lately. And I've also been writing poetry. And songs. hehe...I play guitar a lot now, and I want to continue with piano as well. I still sing. AH! My friend gave me his iPOD! I'm so happy!!! Now I have an MP3 player and an iPOD! YES! Anyways...Tsumi should go now, she has cleaning to do around the house, so...LOVES TO ALL!!! ALL IS WELL HERE!!! BYE BYE!

new favvy song!!!

Tsumi has a new favorite song by 3Oh!3!!! It's called "I'm not your boyfriend baby". I luff it. It's such a sexy fun song to me. I love listening to it. I'm so happy that I have it on a CD. ^-^ "(Kill the lights) These children learn from cigarette burns, fast cars, fast women and she drinks..." ya. I love that kind of music. ^^' anyway...not much going well right now, having suicidal thoughts again, but I'll make it. I'm drinking a MONSTER energy drink, so I'm shaking really badly right now, and I'm listening to the song, and I want to dance SO BAD...well...BYE!!!!


OMIGOSH!!! Today, I passed a test!! YAY!!! I didn't study, and I got 85% on the computer part! oh, and below...I'm hoping the video works, but anyway...
if not, just look it up on Youtube. It's a Saturday Night Live skit called "Jizz in my Pants". ^^'

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" id="W4727a250e66f972349e7700f58986572" width="384" height="283"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /></object>


Okay, so Tsumi is dating again...YAY!! I love the guy I'm dating so much...he's so sweet...I know Love is a strong word, but it's what I'm in with this guy. I call him Wolf. ^^ I'm sure all of you who I am friends with would be glad to meet him if you could. ^^ Anyway, I just wanted to clarify that, yes, even though right now I'm going through a lot, I am very happy. When Wolf is around...nothing can bring me down. ^-^ so I hope everyone else here is happy too!! And remember, if ever any of you need to talk to someone, I will be here to listen. I love all of you very very much!!! Just...uh...LOL...not the same way that I love Wolf! LOL!!! Bai bai for nao!!!


okay, random title, but whatever, right? titles don't always have to be what the article is about, right!?!?!? lulz...okay, so anyway, recently, my mom showed me a video called "Shoes". and it cracked me up!!! LOL!!! She didn't let me see "Text Message Breakup", but I looked it up on my own time, and that song cracked me up too. Anywho, I'm currently in class, typing this up for a solution to my extreme boredom of doom. I'm also now laughing cause I'm really friggin tired and hyper at the same time............lolz, now I'm listening to Freaxxx by Brokencyde. I like it. LOLZ. anyway, the point is...I'm really hyper, and I want everyone to know...I IZ OKAI!!!!!!