Shadow Fall part the first

Yuio was alone, for as long as she could remember, and now again, completely alone. Blank eyes staring into a distant dream. The blood slowly pouring from the wounds at her side and neck…red mixing with dirty water…being washed away by the rain with the utter disregard that rain so often has. The dark figure staring down at her…this creature with shimmering blue eyes…“like blue stars“….this inhuman shape standing before her…she’s sure she knew him from somewhere…”him”… did she know that it was a he, she couldn‘t understand……he slowly took a step toward her as she lay still, half dead….his foot-falls echoing like a horse whisper in her ears…she could almost see his face…the scarlet stained blade in his hand, the mark on his arm that so looked like black lightning…the figure continued to approach her…the arm with the blade swiftly raised above his head. A tear fell from his glimmering eye.

“Ah!” Yuio found herself sitting in her bed, drenched in an icy sweat, heart racing, gasping in fear. “That same dream again.” she said to herself “Why now after so long?”….she looked over at the digital clock that she always kept next to her bed…”3:36, huh? Well, might as well get up…not like I can go back to sleep.” Yuio couldn’t remember when these dreams started… she only knew that she had had them since she was little… since back when she still had a mother, a father and an older brother. That seemed like so long ago. She could still remember that day so clearly…she had been sick, terribly sick, she was taken from the school to the hospital, they were on their way to come check on her. “I‘m sorry to inform you…” said the officer…”yeah right, sure you are.”…she couldn’t remember his face but she hated him so completely. She later learned that is was a head-on collision with a public bus, no-one was injured except for her family, they were all dead… apparently the crash had been bad since the coroner all but refused to let her see the bodies, they were instead identified with dental records. ”You wouldn‘t be able to identify them anyway.” he said with the most sincere sorrow that she had ever seen. And now she was alone.
Her eyes started to water. “No, I will not cry!” bracing herself against the wall she fell to her knees…”Damn it, quit, stop it!” but no matter how she argued with her tears they just kept coming. Her heart felt as though it were about to break…..