Settling In Paris

I used the teleporting justu Itachi taught me to get to Paris. Once I was there I was so excited to see what type of clothes they had there. But first I had to check into a hotel.

I romed the streets searching for a hotel. My eyes caught a beautiful building with such pretty lights and flowers around it. Amazing, I thought. I appouched this building and went inside. Just as I thought. It was a hotel. Yes! Finally! I went to the front desk where a lady spoke to me. Good thing she knew my language. "Hello. Welcome to the Hotel La Perle. Would you like a room?" she said with such manner. "Yes I would." I answered her. We made arangements and I paid for my room and everything else. She took me to my room and boy! It was so great! My room was a masterpiece! I just wanted to live there!

I settled into my new fancy room. I put my clothes into the drawers, I took a long relaxing bath in the hot tub, got out the tub and put on a comfortable robe, and ordered room service. This was the life. Too bad I had to enjoy the good life by myself. I took a look in the mirror and noticed my hair. Do I have to cut it?... Nah! I'll just let it grow! It was already down to the middle of my back. I took a look at my eyes. So these are the eyes that scared my mother, huh?, I thought. True, my eyes were strange but their what makes me ME. There was a knock at the door. I opened it and it was the room service. Finally! I was hungry!

After eating, I became bored, so I put on some chothes and went out. Where exactly? I don't know but I was somewhere. I felt some familar chakra but I ignored it. I'm sure it was a false alarm.
