This is Teh Biju Club
I'm the leader and SandLover13 is the co-leader.
This is an Role Play Club that posts stories that can lead to a multitude of adventures. The stories will get perverted though... so you write a perverted part, you're a perv. So everyone that's written something like that is a perv basically. It won't get that way if you don't want that to happen.
Enjoy yourselves here.


Draw your character as they were when they were younger (as in the first grade) for the up-incoming story

Point Scores

Nekomata: 15
Houkou: 20
Kaku: 5
Raijuu: 52
Dizzy: 10
Suki: 60
Takahara: 25
Chiyoko: 25
Kenneth: 40
Yami: 15
Kokoro: 20
Izzy: 15
Yoni: 15
Dutch: 25
Joe: 20
Meeko: -
Kayo: 10
Getsu: 5
Yojo: 5
Ryo: -


Rookie - Starting
Ally - 10
Animal (The animal demon you have) - 30
Half Demon - 65
Demon - 80
Biju - 100
Biju Sibling (Only for the siblings of biju ex. Misa, Kai, and Chiyoko currently) - 100
Legendary 9 Member (Only for members of the legendary 9) - 120
Biju King (Only for Kyuubi though) - Unavailable


External Image

DeidaraNarutoClan(Kyuubi ♂)-King Of Biju/Leader
SandLover13(Shukaku ♂)- Legendary 9 Member/Co-Leader(?)

Other Members:
gaaragirl911(Nekomata ♀)-Ally
Hikari Mogami(Houkou ♂)-Ally
gaara is cool135(Kaku ♂)-Rookie
vdr-07(Raijuu ♂)-Half Demon [Weasel]
firestar95(Dizzy ♀)-Ally
Sasukelover001(Suki ♀)-Wolf
imouto chan(Takahara ♀)-Ally
Otomi Babii(Chiyoko ♀)-Ally
Naomi Bear(Kenneth ♂)-Cheetah
Luna chan(Kokoro ♀)-Ally
Emo Biznich(Izzy ♀)-Rookie
wolfdemonchild9(Yoni ♀)-Ally
dutch13(Dutch ♂)-Ally
simplebeast231(Joe ♂)-Ally
animelover7310(Meeko ♀)-Rookie
littlepooch(Kayo ♀)-Rookie
AngelsCryTo(Getsu ♀)-Rookie
infernoboy10(Yojo ♂)-Rookie

Now Handing out Pre-made OCs for Teh Biju Club
Current Ocs:
Isonade (Male-3 tailed Turtle)
SojiRem Hachimata Hachibi (Male-8 tailed Snake)
SojiRem Kai (Male-10 tailed Wolf)
Naomi Bear Yurikami (Female-2 tailed Bobcat)
ajLOVEStobiRosie (Female-1 tail Skunk)
Ryochi30 Taylor (Male-1 tail Dog)
Sokou (Male-4 tailed Rooster)
Maddison (Female-3 tailed Squirrel)

My Contest Entry

Since my other contest entry like died because of stupid is my new entry...

Misa's Blood

It didn't take long to find Misa. She was crying her eyes out, and Chii was trying to comfort her, when a huge crowd gathered around her trying to help, or just being curious.
Shukaku and Raijuu ran in and pulled them out. While Kaku just told everyone to mind their own bussiness. Shukaku carried Misa on his back, she stopped crying but now she was complaining that didn't want to come with them.
I waited at the harbor for them. (I'm not lazy, mind you) When I saw them in the distance I waved. Everyone waved back except for Misa. Now she pouting.
"Ok, now what are you going to do with Misa?" questioned Shukaku.
"I have to use a little bit of her blood, not a lot, just enough to do the jutsu." I comfirmed.
Misa, being stubbern, would not look at me.
"Misa, I have to make a little cut, just to get some of your blood." I said calmly.
"What!?" she yelled, grabbing her wrist.
I looked at the guys for help. They gently held her down, so she wouldn't hurt herself more when I make the cut. I carefully cut a little bit of her arm with my nails. She screamed like the world was ending. I glanced at Shukaku, he had a hurt expression on his face.
"Don't worry." I reasured him, "I've done this before to myself."
I saw his shoulders become less tense. Now I focused back on the cut. I pinched a little of the blood, then rubbed it on my thumb and pointer finger.
I wrote the Kanji symbol for "Where" and "Kyuubi" on my left arm. Everyone watched with interest on what I was going to do next. Misa went from screaming, to whimpering. My arm began to tingle, and shake. The blood became black and seeped into my skin.
"Ew." murmered Misa.
It then left a tatoo of an arrow pointing away from us. I turned and so did the arrow. Then I turned back to Misa, and I spit into my hand and wiped it on the her still bleeding cut. The cut simmered and healed.
"It's still going to hurt for awhile until you get used to it." I explained.
"So, what did you do?" asked Raijuu.
"I can't explain it, but the arrow will point us to Kyuubi." I told them.
"How long will that last?" asked Chii.
"Until he dies."

Then out of no where, Hachi comes running toward us with three others.
"Uh, hi Hachi...Who are these friends?" I asked.
"Oh right! You haven't met them yet. This is Eka, Dizzy, and Tara!" he said.
"Hi." they all said together.
"Where Raijuu go?" Kaku asked.
"He went to go rent a boat." Shukaku explained.
Raijuu came back with keys. "I got one!"
We all walked to it. And Raijuu pointed at the one in the distance. "See, I got a small one!" he said.
When we got to it we learned that it was actually a cruise ship.
"Raijuu?" I asked.
"You're an idiot."

Trapped (again)

"Damn this sucks! Trapped in a cage that's bigger, but I can't even transform back or get my way out of here! Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!"
I breathed out fire, but it didn't do any good. "Dang! This thing resists jutsu and with this, I can't even transform into my true form!"
I sighed and decided to at least catch up on some rest.
"Yo! Hey, you alive? Wake up!"
I woke up about... five hours later to some little girl shaking and kicking at me. "What?! What do you want?!"
"Geez soooorry Mr. Grumpy," the girl said turning away.
The girl was 12 years old from my point of view, she had red hair and was wearing a black and red jacket, she wore a black shirt and khaki shorts, but had strange color of eyes... They appeared to look like a tinted orange... "What's your name?" I asked.
"So now you want to talk. You give me your name first," the girl demanded.
"*sigh* Okay, fine, my name is Kyuubi," I said introducing yourself.
"You kinda look like Itachi or Itachi's brother, Sasuke," she said looking over me.
"I kinda get that a lot," I said rolling my eyes, "Anyway, who are you?"
"Oh, my name's Suki. I'm a friend of Itachi's, even though I'm a demon," she said with a smile.
At this point I figured that Itachi's first plan was to get this girl to lure me to the studio if I took anymore time to get there. He's just using her and munipulated her. "Do you know how to get out of here?" I asked her, hoping since she was with the Akatsuki she'd know.
"Sorry, I don't have the key. Itachi accedintally locked me in here and lost the key, so he's going to try and find it," she said sadly.
This kid was duped by Itachi, just to get to me. "Now what? I wonder how the others are doing..."

Kyuubi is the best....

I was looking at more fan art of me when I saw this comic. This might be the reason why Kyuuni is the leader. Link:

It's a Naruto/Inuyasha comic.


Attack of the psyco Hachi pictures

Ya I'm gonna put a bizzzilion pics on here