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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

more of the same really :P

Hey hey! It’s yours truly with another fun filled update!

Nothing much is really happening. I’ve been drawing a little more planning to do more today. I really want to draw my old original characters and TMM characters. Looking back at the offspring series I was like damn, those designs are really good. I want to draw them again. And make more series but I have to finish up the ones I started already like the maid profiles and bios. I’ll get back into the groove again promise! I just have to work up to it haha.

I also have new ideas about aliens in TMM and other concepts. I’ll post about them today. My friend joe has really good ideas and he wanted me to make his character! I doodled him last week and he is hot hot hot. I have to post it for everyone to see. Also I decided to redesign mew blue berry Popsicle. Between her looks and her costume I can never draw anything out that I truly like so I’m just going to start fresh. I may just change her food again. Something has to be done, she driving me berserk.

Oh yeah, I went out with a friend on Saturday. It was really fun besides the fact I felt awkward through most of the day. I though I would be fine but I was sweating bullets in the inside. The class mate I was with felt the same way too, pretty funny! We went to the art museum steps the same step that rocky was running up in Philly. The view was really great we talking about mostly anime and manga while we was there. It was nice going out with a friend. Lord knows I need more haha… >_>

Hmm, did anything else happen lately? Oh, yeah I was playing resident evil 5 last week with another friend at school. It was sooo funny and awesome playing with someone else! I was shooting and punching zombies all over the place. It was really cool doing the boss round. This black blob thing was chasing us all over the place and we had to shoot it down in this gas room thing and trap it. Then push the on button so that the gas would ignite. Its was great! That’s the only time I stay after school is when my friend brings his PS3. I stay there till like 5:00PM when class ends at 1:30PM. It’s the only time I can play games that isn’t years old haha.

Did I mention I finished the world ends with you on the DS. It’s the best hand held game I’ve played since old school Pokémon. It kept me busy for weeks. And the plot is really good. Even though the ending got a wee bit confusing D:.

Alright then, I’m going to warp this up. I hope everyone is doing well. Give me a shout! Oh yeah, I’m sick of hearing about this swine flu stuff too… Just wash your hands and things you should have been doing since your were like 3 to prevent from getting a cold… I really hate the new sometimes >_<…

New pictures! :D EDIT: preview Picture!

Here's another update!

I just posted two new pictures. One is Zero Gaurdian's test commission of her OC and the second one is my lastest mew, mew wonton. So check it out when ya have the time!

Last night on Tagaki was sooo funny! I can't help myself on that site! When a crazy idea comes about I have to add it in! Everyone is great on there too!

Oh yeah I'm almost finished my Mew cake:despair picture. I was working on the coloring all day yesterday. I'm really proud I sat my ass and did it insead of doing something else.

One last note I still doing test commissons! If you want one check out my older post and PM me!

Edit! ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Here's the sketch of your picture Innocent Heart! There are a few minor details that I need to add in like the rest of Noahs wings etc but this is the basic picture!

I'm making a mew tutorial

Hey everyone!

Before I get into my post I just want to say thanks to everyone that commented to my last post! I really appreciate and can say that I'm out of that nasty slump! So big bear hugs for you guys!

okay to the reason why I'm posting!

I'm starting a mew turorial! I've wanted to start it for a while but never had the time to do it. But now since I'm on my fall vacation I can fianlly start it! The tutorial is not just what a mew have to look like but the process of making your own! It's going to include pictures and everything! I'm really excited about and can't wait to finish it.

Here's the table of contents of what the subjects I'll be going through, more be probably be added before the tutorial is finish.

1. What’s a mew?
2. What is a basic mew set up?
3. Making your own
4. Where to start
5. The personality
6. The mew form
7. The basic mew costume
8. Making your mew costume
9. Making your mew costume pop!
10. Your weapon
11. The finishing touches
12. Your mew’s bio

Wish me luck!