New pictures! :D EDIT: preview Picture!

Here's another update!

I just posted two new pictures. One is Zero Gaurdian's test commission of her OC and the second one is my lastest mew, mew wonton. So check it out when ya have the time!

Last night on Tagaki was sooo funny! I can't help myself on that site! When a crazy idea comes about I have to add it in! Everyone is great on there too!

Oh yeah I'm almost finished my Mew cake:despair picture. I was working on the coloring all day yesterday. I'm really proud I sat my ass and did it insead of doing something else.

One last note I still doing test commissons! If you want one check out my older post and PM me!

Edit! ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Here's the sketch of your picture Innocent Heart! There are a few minor details that I need to add in like the rest of Noahs wings etc but this is the basic picture!
