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[theOtaku: Beth | Aim: SunfallE | Hotmail: SunfallE]

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~Thank you Indi~ <3


So my Internet is still not fixed. It has now been three weeks. In that time frame they have been out many times to 'troubleshoot' it even though I kept saying it wasn't at our house and that it had to be related to their own network. So a...

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The Other Side

Oh where to begin with this post since it will be a bit of a rant. You see for the past two weeks my Internet has decided to be a royal pain in the butt. Every night from anywhere between 5-7pm till the same time the next morning, I get disconnect...

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Promotions And Pranks

I was talking to Des in chat about how Adam decided to pull a prank on me. So since I shared the AIM convo with Des, I figured I'd share that with the rest of you too.

SunfallE: Des, did you see what Adam did to my user title, that goof. lawl
SunfallE: He liked tricked me too
SunfallE: Adam: awww i love member promotions
Desbreko: haha You got a ++.
SunfallE: Adam: people get so happeh
SunfallE: SunfallE: they do, heh
SunfallE: Adam: I had to promote someone else manually
SunfallE: Adam: maybe you should include that too in there
SunfallE: Adam: so she doesn't feel left out
SunfallE: SunfallE: oh, okay, who was it?
SunfallE: Adam: http://www.theotaku.com/portfolio/SunfallE
SunfallE: ._.
SunfallE: he pulled that trick on me. XD
Desbreko: That's hilarious.

You Did What?

I decided to make a Twilight Quiz. It's a combination of poking fun and semi serious possible answers. I figured why not after running into something the other day. So... you all can look forward to seeing a Twilight Quiz highlighted for the day here at the site. Well, in a few days that is, there are other quizzes in the queue before it. :p

Mini Rant: But Not Really

I'd say this is a rant but it's really me shaking my head at people when it comes to reporting plagiarism. Especially when they do one of the following things: *Report it saying it's belongs to them and not provide a link.*...

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