The Other Side

Oh where to begin with this post since it will be a bit of a rant. You see for the past two weeks my Internet has decided to be a royal pain in the butt. Every night from anywhere between 5-7pm till the same time the next morning, I get disconnected from my service. It only lasts from five seconds to a minute, but it drops me from Chat, AIM, Guild Wars and just about anything I'm doing online. =/ And it does it off and on ALL NIGHT LONG.

I had this same problem two years ago and spent around three weeks arguing with my Internet provider to get them to finally figure out that it was one of their stations in the area and nothing at my end. Once they figured that out and they replaced the faulty equipment, everything worked just fine. But getting them to realize that it was THEIR equipment and not at our end when they come out during the day and it's working fine, was a huge headache.

Turned out that it was something that regulated the signals so they don't spike due to temperature changes. That part of it was no longer working right so it wasn't keeping things from spiking once the temperature dropped at night. This would result in temporary outages which in turn lead to being dropped again and again and also the reason why it only happened during the night hours.

Unfortunately one of the drawbacks of being with a rather large corporation is that inspite of excellent deals, speeds and monthly download limits, you have issues wading through the bureaucracy to get any support done. If you're wondering why I bother to put up with it... Think 250 GB monthly cap vs 25 GB monthly cap for other services that actually cost more and have slower speeds too. o_O So yes they're a pain when it comes to support, but when it works, which to be fair is most of the time, it's a great service.

So now I'm at the beginning of week three of the issue still being unresolved and I honestly just want to bang my head on my desk. One of the service people decided to tell someone else here when they called... that they were lying about what happened two years ago since it wasn't mentioned on our account... Ahhh... no. I talked to someone about that since that was just utter bull****.

I've worked in customer service before so I have an idea of how records are kept when it comes to stuff like this. If they have to do repairs on the equipment that supplies service to the entire neighborhood vs just what's at our house... Those kind of tech records are kept seperate from customer accounts. So naturally it's not going to show up on our account. We don't service the whole freaking neighborhood after all.

And regular customer service doesn't even have access to tech records so whoever they were taking too was just being a jackass. I mean seriously, why in the world would we bother to call them and lie about our service? o_O I don't know about you, but I certainly have better ways to spend my time.

Also, I wonder if it's my tone of voice or something, but I seem to get the nicer people when I call and talk to customer service. Where others here have unfortunately gotten really rude treatment from the support people. Perhaps my strong urge to strangle something is somehow coming across in my voice when I talk to them.

I certainly try to be polite and avoid swearing since I always hated being treated rudely by customers... but damn if it isn't hard at times to not chew someone out. Anyway... time for some sleep since it's rather late. Later all.
