
So my Internet is still not fixed. It has now been three weeks. In that time frame they have been out many times to 'troubleshoot' it even though I kept saying it wasn't at our house and that it had to be related to their own network.

So after doing all the 'restart your modem' 'check this' 'check that' crap, they went to 'replace the modem since it might be dying' crap. This is where I'm thinking you guys are morons cause if it was dying, it would do it ALL FREAKING DAY LONG, not just at night.

So naturally that fixes nothing, checking our router fixes NOTHING cause it's set up properly, just as replacing anything connection wise that might be corroded fixed nothing.

Running a seperate line to the Modem fixed nothing, replacing the line running from the pole to the house fixed NOTHING. And yet in spite of all that, they insisted on sending a tech again instead of escalating it to their network techs since it's not a problem here.

So they came yesterday and at least ran a line upstairs and fixed the cable that had stopped working for the TV's upstairs. However, the guy can't do anything for the Internet cause there's nothing to be done. So they canceled that order that the stupider than **** customer service rep said I had to do or they wouldn't 'escalate' it to the next level.

The only reason I didn't insist on a supervisor that very second is we needed someone to run the line for the cable anyway, other wise, I would not have let that one slide.

It gets better, not only did the reps who kept telling me I was the only one complaining full of it, it turns out that quite a few people in the area are having the exact same problem. =/

So they've been trying to track down the line that's giving everyone grief but haven't managed to locate which one yet. So hurray for the problem finally being escalated... but boo since they can't give me any sort of estimate as to when it will finally be fixed.

They only have hundreds of lines to check or rather to track to see which one is creating the problem. I just wish they'd get it fixed already. I'm extremely tired of constantly getting dc'd at night. =_=