Last Game with the Riddler

Continued from: Unpleasant Day Byakuya gave a short order to his lieutenant Abarai before leaving walls of 6th division. He had read the final riddl...

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Broken Pieces

Yamamoto looked at the second piece of paper which has scribe in ink, as he read aloud.

“Dead and bound, what once was free. What made no sound, now sings with glee.” He sighed softly, "A wooden stringed instrument."

Discussed Yamamoto tossed the piece of paper into the trash and went after his zanpakuto. He searched every location in which he could find Shamisen and destroyed it. Yamamoto even distorted Hisagi’s guitar. As he exited the room Yamamoto looked over his shoulder at Hisagi.

“I will replace that.” He then disappeared in search of his next victim.

Finally, he walked through the eight division’s gate. There he saw a Shamisen resting outside against the Captain Kyoraku’s office wall. He walked over to it grabbing it by the neck raising it above his shoulders and brought is crashing to the ground. Captain Kyoraku came running from his office hearing the racket. Beneath the Captain Commander were broken pieces of the Shamisen and his zanpakuto; Ryujin Jakka.

Yamamoto reached down and picked up his zanpakuto looking back to Shunsui with a sly smile, “I owed you one from all the things you and Juushiro destroyed of mine through the years.”

Shunsui raised his hand to the back of his head and laughed loudly, “Alright, old man. I’ll accept that one. Glad to see you have your zanpakuto back.”

Yamamoto then headed back to his division zanpakuto at his side once more.
