Conventions anyone? Anime Next / Otakon

So this coming weekend, I'll be going to my first con of the year.
This week is going to DRAG ON so MUCH. T_T
But anyway, I was just wondering if any of you were going to be there?
It would be cool to meet up with a few guys from TheOtaku. :)

A few friends and I have a room at the Double Tree Somerset Hotel. We will be getting there Thursday around 3:30, 4:00.
Hopefully we can take a dip in the pool to relax a bit.

And then, next month, there's Otakon, which I think is by far, my favorite.
For that, I'll be staying at a friends house, and she lives about ten minutes away, which is nice.
The only down side to Otakon, is that I suck with maps, and get lost often. XD
But it's, cause it's just awesome!

Let me know which cons you guys may be going to!
