Welcome to my world.

I'm SomeGuy, 29 years old, residing in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I've studied English Literature, Chinese Martial Arts, and am currently pursuing careers in writing - possibly even in the anime industry itself.

And I work for this site.

And you should be watching Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad.
Or watching Ranma 1/2.
Or learning about the Shinsengumi.
Or planning to visit Vancouver, The Best Place On Earth (actual marketing motto).

Here at the "Smallville" page, I have my personal blog where I'll post about anything and everything. If ya need me or otherwise need to know anything from/about me, here's where I'll be.

If you're really looking for my more professional, site-type stuff, you wanna head over my "Metropolis" world.

(Banner Design Courtesy of Red Tigress - thanks Red!)

Still writing stuff . . .

A'ight, so the FUNimation Industry Panel write-up is done. Check.

Next is Brina Palencia and Todd Haberkorn, and then my full "summary" report . . . and then . . . oh! A Shinsengumi cosplay report!!! Yahhh . . . there we go!

I'm still trying to decide how to write my overall report, 'cause my usual style is to document everything from the moment I leave my house to the time I get back to my house. I almost feel like I should write the "professional" summary and the "casual" one with all the stories about hotel rooms and stuff . . . somethin' to figure out, I guess.

So that's that.

And for all you other people . . . Cung Le and Frank Shamrock are MMA fighters for the Strikeforce franchise. I was discussing a title fight they had recently. It was an awesome fight.

I'll get to work later today . . .

Definitely have a buttload of articles to write today. Here's hoping I can get through at least one or two . . . whether they go to official theO World or "Metropolis", I don't know at this point. But we'll see what happens . . .

In other news, it turns out Cung Le beat Frank Shamrock on the 29th - Le broke Shamrock's arm with a kick at the end of the 3rd round, Shamrock couldn't continue into the 4th. That's pretty wild and cool.

Well, I'm Back . . .

Been back since early evening yesterday and I've got a lotta work to do now that I'm back. I just posted a novel over on the Watercooler (that I marked for publication in case people think it might be useful for posterity), and now . . . I think I'm gonna go to bed.

So before the big long list of articles, I'll just leave these few bits that I found interesting about the weekend:

  • Batou has the same eye tic as I do.
  • No one in Seattle has ever played "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune".
  • Even though I know it's not, I'll still buy a "battle ready" katana because I'll feel bad for buying just the stainless steel show one (the fact that it's the Kensei sword is besides the point, really . . .)
  • Border guard decided to use "weapons" instead of "firearms, etc." during questioning - that threw me off.
  • Gail and John are like, the BIGGEST geeks ever and I love them. They hate "Baki the Grappler", though.
  • Adam took care of a bunch of Fan Words while I was gone, so he's awesome.
  • Brina Palencia kicks serious ass. Seriously.

I'll write more later. In any case, I'm back home, I'm safe, and I'm sorry I didn't come online last night. You know how it is . . .

. . . oh yeah, and Vic Mignogna's retiring in May.

Seattle, here we come . . .

Just doing the last of my packing now. And maaan, costumes really mess up luggage-layout, y'know?

Here's hoping I don't forget anything . . . or anyone. Still, the plan is sound, everything should work . . . so we'll see what happens.

I'll probably post one last time over at the Conventionist before heading to bed. Rest of ya, have a good weekend and hold down the fort; Bossman, take care of Fan Words for the weekend if you'd like, otherwise I'll do it all 500 submissions when I get back.

See ya Tuesday, guys. Don't die while I'm gone.

Only one more sleep before the convention trip!

Alright, checklist of things to do today:

  • Go to mall, check for the following:
    • The third "Black Mages" album
    • "AAA" batteries for mp3 player speakers
    • A large quantity of "nice" Pocky for con' meet-up, maybe some juice and cups
    • Small notebook, possibly with fake-leather cover for effect
    • Small thing of hair gel (or borrow from brother)
    • Possibly a wider brown belt for Nathan Drake cosplay
  • Double-check batteries, make sure they're not dead
  • Touch up golf tube saya, perhaps add cheap versions of kurigata and sageo to them
  • Request passport from safe - evidently, we have a safe
  • E-mail Gail, tell her when I'll be arriving in Seattle
  • Re-confirm with all my car people about plans for tomorrow
  • Re-confirm with stupid Ed about plans for meeting with him
  • Pack
  • Sleep

Am I forgetting anything?

In other news, I saw the Japanese "One Missed Call". It was a'ight - I'm still working out the ending, but I liked it for the most part.

So that's that.

EDIT: Oh! Gifts! Need to pick some stuff up for certain peoples! There we go!

EDIT 2: Oh shoot! Gotta go to the costume store and check in about masks too!!! Aha!!