Welcome to my world.

I'm SomeGuy, 29 years old, residing in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I've studied English Literature, Chinese Martial Arts, and am currently pursuing careers in writing - possibly even in the anime industry itself.

And I work for this site.

And you should be watching Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad.
Or watching Ranma 1/2.
Or learning about the Shinsengumi.
Or planning to visit Vancouver, The Best Place On Earth (actual marketing motto).

Here at the "Smallville" page, I have my personal blog where I'll post about anything and everything. If ya need me or otherwise need to know anything from/about me, here's where I'll be.

If you're really looking for my more professional, site-type stuff, you wanna head over my "Metropolis" world.

(Banner Design Courtesy of Red Tigress - thanks Red!)

Y'know what came out for Rock Band?

"Still Alive". And it was a free download.

It doesn't get much better than that . . . well, unless they released a Bon Jovi pack, but that's probably not too likely any time soon.

In other news, "Hard Candy" has two commentary tracks which is awesome. I skipped quickly through the actor one so far (I love actor commentaries), and it's very amusing. Patrick Wilson and Ellen Page are fun to listen to, especially as she tortures him on-screen. One bit really cracked me up:

"...and this is all setup for Hard Candy 2," Wilson says, more or less at one point.
"No," Page responds, "that is not true. There is no Hard Candy 2." As he laughs, she continues. "This is 'Hard Candy: The Last Stand'..."
"Ahhh, I see what you did there..." Wilson says as they both laugh (Ellen Page played Kitty Pryde in X3, in case anyone didn't know).

So yeah, go watch it. Then watch it again with commentary. 'Cause commentary tracks are the best parts of DVD special features. Way the hell better than "other film trailers", at least . . .

Wanna know what I'm excited about?

Went DVD shopping yesterday, went on the previously-suggested Ellen Page blowout with both "Juno" and "Hard Candy". I also picked up the 2nd box of Gundam SEED finally (now that I finally started watching the first box).

So Vancouver Shinsengumi Cosplayer Rock Band party on Saturday. That's gonna be fun . . . I need to find me a 2nd guitar, though. I'll probably need to borrow from a Superstore person some time this week . . . but that'll be fun. Again, I'm all stoked 'cause we're finally all hanging out more in general.

Other than that . . . just been watching a lot of YouTube. Y'know the Angry Video Game Nerd? Well, he did a walking tour of Philadelphia and made a documentary called "Rocky Jumped A Park Bench". It's not released yet, but he posted a preview from his screening at the Philadelphia Film Festival;

I can't wait to see that . . . but 'til then, I guess I'd better go watch Ellen Page torturing a pedo for a bit . . . peace!

Damn, I Miss Heroes . . .

I felt exhausted all day yesterday; that was kind of a bust. Ah well. In fact, just for that, I'm gonna intentionally not look at the keyboard or the monitor for the rest of this post.

Makes no logical sense for doing it, but I already kinda was as I was yawning, so I figure I'll keep up with it starting . . . right now.

Okay, so today I actually got a lot of DVD watching done in regards to that first set of Gunda Seed DVDs. Got through like, three discs, so that'd be about . . . a dozen or so episodes? I will say it's awesome that most ofthe discs in that set are five episodes apiece. Seropis;y., more anime should be like that . . .

Umm, other than that, I didn't really do anything else. Oh! Wait!!! I did do something useful! I finished editing a Sakura-Con video I was working on!

It's just two of the Shinsengumi people going through some slo-motion iaido stuff for the sake of the photographers, but I filmed it and put it to music. It seems okay enough, I suppose . . . and that said, I think I need to stop doing this ridiculous experiment and get back to looking at the screen - if I'm gonna link this correctly, I need to look, right?

Alright, looking now (and I promise I won't change anything) starting . . . . .


(Holy crap, I only made like, two mistakes . . . damn I'm good . . .)

Anyway, if you head over to the OSCgumi World, you can see the video there. And yes, if you look closely, you can see Shinigami in the background fighting a Menos.

That said . . . these Monday nights without Heroes is starting to get really lame. Seriously.

Testing . . .

Just testing the image embedding stuff for a bit:

Thank you for your patience. And now, really cute cosplayers:

Old love rekindled . . .

Yesterday was kinda boring. Lots of laundry, internet-related homework . . . oh, I did get a look at Stephen Chow's "CJ7", though! It's very much focused on the kid and the alien not him, but that's fine - it was very cute, in any case. Dog lovers, I think you'll love this movie.

Later in the day I ended up thinking about that new Star Wars game that's in the works right now, "The Force Unleashed" . . . and then suddenly I got really excited . . .

"Star Wars: The Force Unleashed" is like, the new big multimedia project coming out of Star Wars next. It's kinda like what "Shadows of the Empire" was like back in the '90s - y'know, novel, comics, video games . . . everything. This new thing takes place between Episodes 3 and 4 and is about Darth Vader's "secret apprentice". Anyway, the big main thing sounds like the video game.

And I gotta tell ya, this game looks like it's gonna be the next "THE Star Wars game" after "Knights of the Old Republic" and "Jedi Outcast".

Seriously, everything about this game is looking good. The characters are all being modeled and animated off the actors; the story is sounding really good and is including a lot of feedback from Lucas (the original source material); the physics are looking ridiculously awesome . . . and in the first intro level you get to play as Darth Vader and Force-choke Wookiees.

Here's one of the web documentaries about the physics of the game:

And that's just the physics that games are now up to. Aside from that, according to the development team, the premise of the game is "kicking someone's ass with the Force."

Like, seriously, it'll take a LOT of effort to screw this one up.

Have I caught anyone's curiosity yet? Here, have a link to more videos and infos and stuff:

Damn I love Star Wars . . .